I have searched high and low everywhere reading about building a rheostat baybus, altho I am not electroncally inclined, I figured I have nearly all the information I need to build a external rheostat baybus. Basically get one with a enough wattage to handle the rated wattage of the fan/s. But most posts and articles rarely mentions about ohm rating of the rheostat. How does a higher resistance affect the rheostat? I can easily find 5W 10ohm and 5W 100ohm rheostats at radio shack, are they the ones I shoud buy? They have the 25W rheostat too, but they are expensive!
Here's what I plan to hook it up to:
1st rheostat control 2 120mmPanaflo L1A (4.32W total)
2nd rheostat control panaflo 92H1A and 120mm L1A (4.86W)
3rd rheostat control a Delta 80mm fan (6.96W)
4th rheostat for 120mm Sanyo Denki fanb(6.24W)
Here's what I plan to hook it up to:
1st rheostat control 2 120mmPanaflo L1A (4.32W total)
2nd rheostat control panaflo 92H1A and 120mm L1A (4.86W)
3rd rheostat control a Delta 80mm fan (6.96W)
4th rheostat for 120mm Sanyo Denki fanb(6.24W)