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question about running 2 lines.

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Sep 13, 2002
Williamsport, PA
so my current setup idea involves running a WW block on the CPU.

i'm thinking about cooling the NB and GPU when time comes. so if i were to put these on a seperate line with a small pump, say maxijet, could i run both lines into one rad?
im pretty sure just having a y spitter before and after the rad would work fine. HOWEVER you need to take into account he pressure requred for the WW and other blocks and make sure that the resistance is right so that you get good pressure through both... you might just be able to pinch the tube or somthing (probably one the NB and GPU side though you might not need to- would depend ont eh block)
well if i go through with this i'd end up using 2 L20's or 2 1048's instead of the L30 just for the WW and a maxijet or something small for the other blocks. you think that would be enough pressure for a WW on the CPU and 2 maze3-like chipset blocks?