I'm new to the board here and new to overclocking. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a AMD Duron 950 that is locked. I've heard of a couple of ways to unlock this chip by using a pencil, rear-defogger repair, conductive pen, ect. I know that the L1 bridge has to be connected so I connected the 4 sets of dots making sure that they were connected and none of them touched each other. The problem I am having is that the chip still seems to be locked and I can't change the multiplier in the Bios, only the FSB speed. I have it in a Biostar M7VKB MoBo. I know this is a cheap board but it is kind of a practice board. My main system I am running is a AMD Athlon XP 1700+. Any advice on getting this Duron 950 past 1.045 Ghz or am I stuck at this speed?