aftermath said:
just do the critical ones?
problem is most are quite serious when its ms half seem to be ones that are similar to others or the one in the image file handeling... Hum can u say BACK DOOR?
Please put somethings in perspective... Your running a OS that 95% of the people in this world run. Security breaches for this system are thus highly publized. Windows is also a target because so many people run it.
What you dont hear about is the problems with Linux or Mac, and their security flaws. Why? Because 5% of the people dont use it... thus its not news worthy.
There have been reports of the FBI and CIA approaching Microsoft to require windows backdoors. Microsoft not only refused, but fought and won its right not to do this... This was a very public example.
Another issue is that Windows XP at the time of release, contained 32 million lines of code.
Think for a second how hard it is to manage 32 million lines of code, and then NOT make some mistakes.
Again, I am not a Microsoft fanboy, I would be the first one to agree and be angered if Microsoft did cross the line. At times they have done some pretty stupid stuff, but they simply do not justify this attack against them. I would suggest that you start complaining about Microsofts Monopolistic control over the browser, and how after beating out Netscape they fell asleep on the application until once again they were threatened by another browser.
I would also suggest you argue and complain about the DRM that Microsoft is supporting and its distructive and disabling usage of certain content.
You may also argue and complain that Microsoft has been slow to adopt outside standards, until thoose standards become so prevalent that they are forced to adopt them unless once again there is a threat to their market share.
Maybe you should point out the ease at which Microsoft handled the justice request for MSN search results...
These are valid concerns... right now, the windows update utility is on the bottom of my list of issues.