if I upgrade from my 1600+ to say a 1900+ will my sandra benchys for memory be better?
I am talking at default levels no overclocking on the same MOBO??
with the same memory timings, there might be a minimal diff...the only things that will dramitcally change those are
1. high fsb
2. high fsb and good memory
3. good memory high fsb, and a fast computer
Ok I was thinking if I get a 1900 it might help in memory times,I do plan on overclocking,but for the sake of explaining it I chose to just go with saying defaut settings..
Thanks for the reply
No way should you change to an 1900+. Your memory scores will be much better with a 158fsb than a stock 133fsb, and the 1900+ won't even overclock to FSBs that the lower series will...
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