@Ivan thanks for the kind words. I think we have all been in that situation where it's life or gaming, life normally take precedence (hate how it works like that).
I will build an x99 system next year when prices come down, probably still use the 290xs in it and under water. This is like a multi step process to 3 builds over the next 18 months or so.
I'm just hopin the 8320 will OC nicely, and I do plan on goin crazy with the OC on the 290Xs when they go underwater or at least playin with them until I learn something (preferably before they break). Hence the PSU overkill, it has the cleanest ripple according to reviews, which in turn should give the cleanest current to drive components, I mean it will only draw what it needs from the wall, so it's not like having a huge PSU will increase my electric bill.
I will build an x99 system next year when prices come down, probably still use the 290xs in it and under water. This is like a multi step process to 3 builds over the next 18 months or so.
I'm just hopin the 8320 will OC nicely, and I do plan on goin crazy with the OC on the 290Xs when they go underwater or at least playin with them until I learn something (preferably before they break). Hence the PSU overkill, it has the cleanest ripple according to reviews, which in turn should give the cleanest current to drive components, I mean it will only draw what it needs from the wall, so it's not like having a huge PSU will increase my electric bill.