I've been doing some looking into the Radeon card, and the more looking I do the more 'versions' I find. From what I can find at Creative's site, there are three base modles (of the 32 MB card):
1. Radeon VE #100-430119: Dual display model (standard CRT and flat panel outputs)
2. Radeon #100-430029: Standard base model. One output connector for CRT.
3. All in Wonder Radeon #100-709004: Dual display output, TV tuner, VIVO (video in video out)
I did not see a listing for the Radeon LE at their site.
Now the fun part starts ;D and it starts looking like a Chineese menu....
(not all options avaliable with all modles)
a. OEM or Box
b. 32 MB DDR or 32 MB SDR
c. PCI or AGP
d. With or without VIVO
GAH!! It's enough to drive one goofy :-D