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Reliablity of VIA Hardware Monitor??

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Da Whip

Senior Member
Feb 2, 2001
Sunny Florida, you can keep the midwest!!
How reliable is the VIA Hardware Monitor Program that came w/ my Iwill KK266-R MOBO?
I have 2 thermal sensors, 1 on the CPU and 1 checking case temp. I am seeing between 3 - 5 C temp differences. I am running on the cool side, so far not a problem. Then again this is Michigan, 30 degrees today, 60 degrees tomorrow.
Any experience or advice will ease my paranoia. (What, me worry?)
I use Via HWM with my KT7s and once I positioned the CPU thermistor properly, it was within .4C of the thermal sensor I drilled and put in my HSF right on the middle of the top of my core. It does lag behind, during transition, as much as 2.2C, but once the temp stabilizes, it's right on. Last week I posted this with a diagram of how I positioned my thermistor. Should still be in the archive.

Your question should be: How reliable are the bios readings?

All these hw monitors (just like MBM or ASUS Probe) do is to put the bios reading on the desktop.

I think the bios readings are correct, but the cpu sensor has to be positioned correctly under the CPU, otherwise it may read too low.

i think he is right.i have a kt7a mobo and i know my sensor is touching the cpu and reads 48 at idle and 50 while working.i have seen posts of 32 but i dont beleive that they have the sensor placed properly especially with stock heatsink and fan but who knows, mbm detects the sensors as well as sandra but they may be in the wrong place. try monitoring heat levels before and after overclocking and you should get an idea how much heat oc'ing will add to your cpu.