Will my man i had the 2000 a while back, tiny little HS? Yeah i know, i put it in the freezer for a good 50 minutes (freezer was at level 7 coldness) (out of 10) Then with a steak knife (you know think little blade?) i placed the kife under, turned it about 90 degree's and pryed like mad. Its (well mine anyways) held on with what looks to be plain glue with no heat transfering properties. Gave her a good lap, Radioshack goop and superglue in the 4 corners and i was set. I think i went around 172/172 but it was a while ago and i do not remember much. But it worked for me when i was a real n00b (as opposed to now where i consider myself a moderate n00b)
Btw- With reference to the knife, i did not have the tip anywhere near the core, rather it stuck out about 1" from the HS and pryed like that. Its a touch little core if i remember, gave it quite a fair lap itself (which i now wouldnt do btw)
1 more thing, i totally agree with Willysnut in that the glue is like cement, his way of removing the HS makes sence but i've yet to try anything of the sort.