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Request for CPU/Mobo assistance.

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Apr 18, 2001
Troy, NY
Well, reading has gotten me this far. The machine is running, and running well, as long as I don't try to do anything too strenuous with it. :/

The details...AMD CPU, I ordered a 1GHz 266 FSB Thunderbird. Asus A7V133 200/266 FSB Mobo. PC-133 Memory. Unfortunately, I didn't think to write down the CPU part number until after it was all assembled.

Anyway, before even trying to overclock it, I'm just trying to get it set up at it's base configuration successfully. The multiplier is locked at 7.5. I change the frequency to 133MHz, and I get my 1GHz. Only problem is, Tribes 2 tends to crash after about 30 mins, give or take. Corrupted video and stuttering sound are the most obvious symptoms. I did all the obvious stuff. Reinstalled DX8, then vid drivers, then sound drivers. Flashed the BIOS from 1003 to 1004. Got into a Tribes 2 game, and it did the same thing.

So, I changed the CPU frequency back to 100MHz, for 750MHz (grrr), and Tribes 2 runs fine for well over an hour.

Temperature of CPU, according to the Asus utility on the cd-rom that came with the mobo, peaks at around 53C, when I check immediately after a crash, so that's not an immediate suspect. Thought maybe that the vid card was overheating (GeForce 256 Annhilator Pro), but that doesn't seem to be it after Tribes 2 ran for an hour at 750 MHz.

Another thing I noticed in the Asus Probe utility...as far as I can tell, the voltage should be at 3.3v? It hovers around 3.5v, and sometimes even peaks into 3.6v. Should I back it down??

Any ideas, comments, suggestions, and fixes would be greatly appreciated. And just to make sure, with a 266 FSB Thunderbird, it's supposed to be locked at 7.5, and freq set to 133? I've tried to read up, but other than the simplest multiplier x freq = Mhz, I get lost quickly. :( Every time I think I get it, I read something else that makes me doubt myself...heh. My first try was setting the multiplier to 10...heh..BIOS said 10, but it still only ran at 750MHz

Thank you.
53 is very hot for that chip no matter what asus tells you. try lowering the voltage on the cpu in bios and keep lowering it untiul you have the stability you need at the lowest possible setting, this should lower your temps. For a better solution, get some arctic silver and a better heatsink/fan/and case cooling
ps- unlock that chip!! Then run at a multiplier of 10x100 and keep upping the fsb, you will probably get somewhere around 120fsb which would be a respectable 1200mhz- set you ram to cas 3, 4 way interleave on and turn off shadowing in your bios
Thanks. :) Forgot to mention, I have the Globalwin FOP-38 on it. I removed the heat strip that came on it (thanks for the blowdrier idea, whoever wrote that little article), and replaced it using just the regular old Radio Shack thermal compound.

Since the temp is a good 40c below AMD's max temp, I was planning on working on that after I get it stable in it's default config. I see all these really low temps around here, so I know it's possible.

Heh...and no, I haven't been sitting here all night waiting for a response...just lucky timing I checked right after you posted...hehe. Thanks a lot!
Yeah, my 1200 freaks out when it hit's 53c. The fact that tribes crashes after a certain amount of time tells me it is a temp problem. Also, you said when you lower the speed, it runs ok. Lower speed = lower temps so that backs up the theory of a temp problem. 53c is too hot for mine to run and even though AMD says their chips can run up to 90c, it aint true.
Ouch...not true? So my 40c buffer I thought I had is nothing but a pipe dream?? Hehe...I thought I was doing sooo well. :p

So for the 1GHz 266 T-bird, locked at 7.5 and freq set at 133Mhz is correct? That's really the most confusing thing for me. I was looking for the bios option that switched between 200 and 266.

Also ASUSProbe is known for giving readings about 10C higher than the BIOS or Motherboard Monitor. So it is possible the 53C reading is 43C and 43C is not too hot (for most folks).

To verify if ASUSProbe is giving too high readings check the temp with ASUSProbe and then reboot to BIOS and check the temp there.
Lummoxx (Apr 22, 2001 08:47 a.m.):
So for the 1GHz 266 T-bird, locked at 7.5 and freq set at 133Mhz is correct? That's really the most confusing thing for me. I was looking for the bios option that switched between 200 and 266.

At 133 mhz FSB your chip is actually doubling that internally so it is at 266. 100 FSB is 200 in the chip
Lummoxx (Apr 22, 2001 08:41 a.m.):
Thanks. :) Forgot to mention, I have the Globalwin FOP-38 on it. I removed the heat strip that came on it (thanks for the blowdrier idea, whoever wrote that little article), and replaced it using just the regular old Radio Shack thermal compound.

Since the temp is a good 40c below AMD's max temp, I was planning on working on that after I get it stable in it's default config. I see all these really low temps around here, so I know it's possible.

Heh...and no, I haven't been sitting here all night waiting for a response...just lucky timing I checked right after you posted...hehe. Thanks a lot!

Unlocking the mult is great and all but shouldn't this chip run at its stock speed of 7.5*133? My Tbird 750 runs 6.5 *155 without getting too hot and that globalwin is better than my volcano II.
Hmmm....I'm thinking the voltage I mentioned in the original post might have something to do with it...there's a few different voltages on the Asus Probe. The machine isn't powered up now, and I have a party to go to, so can't look now...heh..but the voltage that is supposed to be 1.8 is. And another voltage on there stays near where it says it should, but that one...the 3.3, spiking over 3.6 from time to time...that concerns me a bit. Thanks for all the great advice. I appreciate it!

Update - Request for CPU/Mobo assistance.

Well...I just played Tribes 2 for about an hour, in a room warmer than usual. I'm disregarding the Asus probe temp readings. I rebooted right after playing, and cpu temp was 40.5 c.
edit: temp as reported by bios...heh sorry!

So, what did I do? I changed AGP from 4x to 2x...anyone know anything about this? I have a Creative Annihilator Pro GeForce 256. Should be able to run at 4x, but it doens't like it...heh

tribes is very very very very very buggy right now.

Even too the point that if you have 2 sticks of memory it will crash.

I would try something else that is more tried and true
lollypop (Apr 22, 2001 07:13 p.m.):
tribes is very very very very very buggy right now.

Even too the point that if you have 2 sticks of memory it will crash.

I would try something else that is more tried and true

Yeah!!!! Why not joining the overclockers.com seti@home team????
Goldwing (Apr 22, 2001 10:25 a.m.):
Also ASUSProbe is known for giving readings about 10C higher than the BIOS or Motherboard Monitor. So it is possible the 53C reading is 43C and 43C is not too hot (for most folks).

To verify if ASUSProbe is giving too high readings check the temp with ASUSProbe and then reboot to BIOS and check the temp there.

all socket a mb... under read temps.... this is a well known fact ...

this is due to the fact that the temp prob take`s a reading in a secondary heat path which will under read buy as much as 25%
Tribes 2 ran pretty good in my P2-350...low detail levels, but good. 3 sticks of memory in that, at the time.

As an update, I've tried just about everything recommended. PCI bus is at 33MHz, AGP bus at 66MHz. Haven't had sufficient time to continue the 2x AGP test, but it did crash one in the short time I had it set there...so we'll see. Tonight I'm putting in a nice little T2 session. Hopefully it won't crash. If it does...will knock the AGP down to 1x. I *will* be extra-grumpy if it doesn't crash at 1x.

Hitting radio shack today for more/bigger fans. I think I'm gonna get one of those turbo ones I've seen there, and point that sucker right at the GeForce GPU. The wife wants me to buy quiet ones...heh. Oh well. Maybe some day. I'd like to replace that jet engine on top of my GW FOP-38 with something quieter...but won't do that at the expense of temperature.

Anyway, I started to ramble. I'm new here, but this is a great place...I'm inspired to actually try overclocking, once I'm stable at the speed it's supposed to go. Anyway...the longer I hang out, the more you'll get to see me ramble. :)

Thanks for all the help so far. I hope some day in the near future, I can help someone in return.
