Well, for the first time ever, I arrived home tonight to find my computer overheated. I shut it down right away.
Normally the room temperature in my appartment is about 25c which is about 77f. Tonight it was a brutal 35c or 96f.
I've have a p2 233 and the cpu was at 63c. It's not that hot really.
Here's the question. Is there a program that will shut down the computer if the cpu and or motherboard get too hot?
Normally the room temperature in my appartment is about 25c which is about 77f. Tonight it was a brutal 35c or 96f.
I've have a p2 233 and the cpu was at 63c. It's not that hot really.
Here's the question. Is there a program that will shut down the computer if the cpu and or motherboard get too hot?