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running a7v fsb greater than 100?how do u ppl do it?

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Feb 25, 2001

i've been reading some ppl running their A7V with FSB great than 100.. some even 133 (they say they are using A7V NOT A7V133.) how do u guyz do that? i cant even run my FSB greater than 102.. tips pls....

Are u running in Jumperfree mode? If u are, I think u should try the dipswithes instead. I don't believe that anyone has got thier A7V running 133MHz FSB, it must have been a writing error or something like that. If u are lucky u can get the A7V to 115MHz and most can only reach around 110Mhz. U could try to up the VIO volt to 3.69V, that might help u, to reach higher FSB speeds.
I would suggest against using extreme VIO. I've found that this can cause serious problems with some components. 3.5v is already above spec, 3.69 is WAY above spec and it is too much of a liability, IMO.
well i set the Dipswitch to 110 or 115 but it doesn't reflect during bootup.. only displays 100x9.5.. can anyone help? should i unlock anything on the tbird? btw... if i do it in BIOS, it does go up...only max at 103mhz..

Cerwin AKA Walter:-( (Apr 11, 2001 02:07 p.m.):
Are u running in Jumperfree mode? If u are, I think u should try the dipswithes instead. I don't believe that anyone has got thier A7V running 133MHz FSB, it must have been a writing error or something like that. If u are lucky u can get the A7V to 115MHz and most can only reach around 110Mhz. U could try to up the VIO volt to 3.69V, that might help u, to reach higher FSB speeds.
Ohhh, U are running in Jumperfree mode, that's why nothing happens when u change the dipswithes. Take a look in ur manual, u can read in here how to set ur computer to run at jumper mode instead of jumperfree mode. When u have done that u can change the FSB by the dipswithes.

Hey Nagorak, my A7V manuel say's that 3.56V is the default, and I have been running at 3.69V for a long time now with no problems, but who know maybe one day my GeForce will fry, U are proberly right, 3.69V is too high.
thx u all!! i forgot about JEN switch beside PCI port 4 n 5.. hay.. i keep clicking d dips n nothing works!! =P now i know.. im gonna reboot now n see if it'll work!!

Cerwin AKA Walter:-( (Apr 12, 2001 05:54 a.m.):
Ohhh, U are running in Jumperfree mode, that's why nothing happens when u change the dipswithes. Take a look in ur manual, u can read in here how to set ur computer to run at jumper mode instead of jumperfree mode. When u have done that u can change the FSB by the dipswithes.

Hey Nagorak, my A7V manuel say's that 3.56V is the default, and I have been running at 3.69V for a long time now with no problems, but who know maybe one day my GeForce will fry, U are proberly right, 3.69V is too high.