Way I done my 8RDA+ Northbridge was using an old heatsink designed for Socket 7 processors, its ample good enough for my Norhtbridge. I cut out two pieces of anti-static foam (this usually comes with motherboards, its the stuff they lay on) this is tp protect the back of the board, mainly the resistors on the back of the NB but also the PCB from scratches. I used a cable tie going round the heatsink in between two of its fins and down through ther other mounting hole in the board, here I pulled it taught, and attached another cable tie to it, this one attaches again top the first one where the cable tie origianlly goes through, cut off the loose ends and voila! This way, you can use a good transfer interface material between the NB and Heatsink whereas if you use an epoxy the epoxy is the TIM. I used AS3 on my Northbridge to finish off my tube.