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Selling PC Parts

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Dec 1, 2008
Last 30 Years NE OH
I was going to sell my old vid cards and various parts through Amazon.I was appalled how Amazon treats sellers.I read alot of stories where people sold stuff,and the buyer claimed wrong product,opened up product,screwed with it,and cry refund.Amazon could care less about the seller,they get there commission off the top,and there A to Z guarantee's they will be happy to refund your money,back to the buyer or hold your **** for 90 days:bang head

Glad I got that off my chest :shock: I didn't post this to *****,just shocked how they treat people.E-bay and Paypal :grouphug: Nope!I take good care of all the stuff,and refuse to throw it at a pack of wolves.

How are the classifieds here,for selling stuff ?I read the rules,100 posts required.I'm in no rush,just wanted to get an idea.

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Strict, but trouble free. So long as you use a qualifying email and make a few posts a day, you can get in within a month. We keep access restricted so everyone in there doesn't get much hassle from riff raff.
I'll be putting some parts up once i hit 100. Would be cool though if we could at least view the classifieds.
Viewing perms give you PM ability to buy from sellers. It would have at least 2 effects.

- sellers would be more likely to encounter problematic sales.
- it would increase the risk for sellers, and increase workload for staff

We could do that, but then that's compromising what is special about our classifieds section. The unique part about our classifieds is its the most difficult one around to get into. This makes it much safer overall, and usually very problem free. We do hundreds of sales a year. Probably over a thousand really, and only have a few problems a year that we have to help resolve. So from a quality of service, as well as maintenance perspective, our classifieds are pretty special. Just selling and buying stuff no fees, over the internet, almost completely hassle free.
I'll be putting some parts up once i hit 100. Would be cool though if we could at least view the classifieds.


You will be more than welcome in the Classifieds. Get your free ISP email account and put it in your profile. You have have that email forwarded to any other email account including your current Hotmail.

If you haven't already, familiarize yourself with the overall Classified rules, no one will bite your head off with a mistake.


When your email satisfies, advise one of us to change your access, it's not automatic.

Just to give you an idea I did a search of 'Sold' in the sold section of the forums and it maxed out at 500 responses as of 8/6/12, so in about 7-8 months 500 people have sold items.
Viewing perms give you PM ability to buy from sellers. It would have at least 2 effects.

- sellers would be more likely to encounter problematic sales.
- it would increase the risk for sellers, and increase workload for staff

We could do that, but then that's compromising what is special about our classifieds section. The unique part about our classifieds is its the most difficult one around to get into. This makes it much safer overall, and usually very problem free. We do hundreds of sales a year. Probably over a thousand really, and only have a few problems a year that we have to help resolve. So from a quality of service, as well as maintenance perspective, our classifieds are pretty special. Just selling and buying stuff no fees, over the internet, almost completely hassle free.

You make a valid point and it does kinda defeat the purpose of having a post requirement. Touche sir!