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SETI=Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence

SETI is what is called a Distributed Computing project, whereby instaed of one massive Supercomputer trying to chew through a mountain of data, the data is split up into small packets which are distributed to millions of computers which use their spare CPU cycles to perform the required functions to the data. When it is completed with a packet of data that packet is returned for final analasis and a new packet of data is retrieved and the process begins all over again.
so when people say the run SETI in here, that is what they are talking about? that doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me. what you said does, but not how other people use the term.
The Users

We as contributing members of SETI, run a piece of client software which handles the retrevial of work units, the processing of said WU and the return of the completed data to Berkley(University of Califonia at Berkley). This client just sets in the background and uses any free CPU cycles( and believe me there are a lot) to process the data. An average home computer only uses maybe 20% at the most on average of the CPU cycles available, the rest of the time it is just setting there waiting for something to do. The SETI client gives your CPU something to do when it has nothing more important to occupy it's time.

You Sure CAN!

You would be more than WELCOME to come and join the fun.http://forum.oc-forums.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=62194

This will take you to the thread in the SETI forum on this board that explains very well what is going on and how to get involved. Also there are plenty of fine people in that area eager to help a new person to get started. COME ON IN, and see what's going on!


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
thanks skyhook! i will soon, but at the moment im busy hacking at a new case with the ol dremel. well lets say precise cutting. you know how it is! ;)

thanks again!
Glad To See Your Interested

I'm just glad to see your interested in what's going on, and we can always use another member to help our team move forward.

I think you will really enjoy the friendship our team displays and everyone is always ready to lend a hand to a fellow member who needs help.

So when your ready just give us a holler!

Sky told me you're interested in Seti, but haven't been exposed to it yet, so I thought I would try to explain what it is and hopefully you'll find it interesting enough to join. I wrote a beginners guide to Seti a while back and this should get you going. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Newbie Seti Guide
much work to do on this new case, so i be hollerin bout midnight unless i screw this case up and throw it in the dumpster before then. that wont happen though, its lookin good.

later on!
one bloody lip...........third cutting wheel........not too bad!

thanks a lot guys, i will definately checking all the stuff out tonight about midnight if you will be on.

Whenever You're Ready

Bloody lips aren't a usual requirement for case modding are they?:eek:

Anyway, when you get to look things over I'm sure you will be able to find someone to answer your questions. TC, the person who I spoke to and made the other reply to this thread is a very productive and knowledgeable member of our team and is more than willing to help with any problems you might encounter if you wish to get started. If no one is online at the time just start a new thread in the SETI Section or PM TC or myself

augustwest said:
one bloody lip...........third cutting wheel........not too bad!

thanks a lot guys, i will definately checking all the stuff out tonight about midnight if you will be on.

There's almost always somebody lurking in the seti forum, so stop by any time you like and post up.

BTW, what sort of mod are you doing to your case? Window I guess?
augustwest said:
workin on some blow holes, but the window will be next.

Got SETI up and running!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Cool - good luck with the mods. Stop by the seti forum some too