Congratulations Maxima,
Glad to be of help. We all fall foul to these types of user 'error'. I say 'error' becuase its more like u just forgot rather than made a mistake with the multis!
By the way, you seem to suffer from the same problem many of us suffer with the NF7 with high clockspeeds and high fsb. I too get kicked out of 3dmark01 in the same way as yourself, its not dependent on the type of tests which is running at the time but random.
Also from my testing it seems the problem which is occuring does not seem to be linked with Vcore or cooling. Example i can run 3dmark stabily at 208x12 which is around 2500mhz @ 2.06v Vcore but cannot run 3dmark stabily at 223x11 which is around 2450mhz @ 2v Vcore. Also i can run 3dmark at 240x8.5 which is around 2050mhz. All these tests are run at 11-2-2-2 with 2xBH5 sticks in dual/Sync at 3.5volts Vdimm and 3.6volts for the 3.3v rail.
Increasing/decreasing volts does not help, easing the latencies for the ram does not help, providing extra cooling in form of fans blowing across several components does not help. From what i have read in numerous forums nobody has been able to provide a universal solution to this prob. It seems to stem from the combination of mobo with CPU, some peeps get lucky and have a 'good' combo others of us have less luck.
Over the Christamas period I will be doing some more research into this phenomena. I am setting up my first WC rig and will be cooling nthbridge, gfx and CPU. I havent been able to fully test to c if by increasing the vdd to very high levels, would help benefit stabilty for higher fsb speeds in 3dmark01. I have crystal orb on my nthbridge and the 'best' vdd from my experiments seems to be between 1.8-1.9 volts any higher cause more instabilty.
Oh be4 i forget one thing which did help stabilty a little while not definitive is increasing AGP frequency to abt 80mhz. Yup i dont get it either but i found that at this high frequency tests which would kick back to desktop instantly now had a chance of completing a full run. i have to point out that i still am getting kicked to desktop but not instantly with AGP @ 66 mhz.
If u want to try this out the best way to test this is to set your fsb to a mhz which u know u will be kicked out of 3dmark instabtly. Keep your multis low and voltage low. Then simply raise your AGP to the highest level u know is stable and try to run the test. I hope your results mirror mine.
Hope this info may help you