HI Ive just regged here bc overclockers should probably know. Other fora just s..
System hw:
Msi gm785-e65 motherb.
Athlon ii x3 3000
2gb ram kingston fury blue
Thermalright ven. X cooler
Using internal vc, on msi board with 128 sideport ddr 3 ram
Nexus value 430 psu
Windows 7
Spare parts:
Msi 890fxa-gd65 but no vc to test other hw.
Amd phenom black ed. X6 cpu
Sadly my computer has problems. It doesnt boot anylonger, drives are ok. but it was having troubles lately randomly just quiting from windows to a reset, but then getting stuck at the bios splashscreen. Still cannot narrow down the source problem since I have no spare parts to test the parts 1x1. This is the main problem discussed here, how to test without spare parts.
After testing all hw 1x1 as far as possible without spare parts to exchange, I did try transfer all hw from the e65 board (the cpu ram psu cooler) to the msi 890fx board (which a friend gave me ) but it has no graphics card which it needs. But hoping error bleeps could still indicate source of any faulty hw, But it doesnt. It even gives all the same results as with the other mobo.
Should a mobo without graphics card installed but with all other hw installed (psu cpu cooler ram) bleep nonetheless indicating anything at fault?
So the same problems on both boards with psu cpu rsm cooler installed:
"Stuck at phase 2 cpu loading" according to moboleds but no beeps to indcate possible hardware problem on power up. Only the fans and cooler of psu spin. Also tried: clear cmos, reverse ramstick order, 1stick at a time, slots 3/4 instead of 1/2, ram out, still no bleeps, Even tried with a different processor ( the last spare part I did have as mentioned) nothing. Even raised motherboard off table with book bc maybe laquer of table could conduct, nah... still no error beeps to pinpoint possible faulty hw....
Yes I fid clean everything prior to testing.
Also due to low income to buy new hw. Ie. new psu or ram. Im looking for ways to pinpoint the possible faulty hw without the need for a graphics card on the 890fxa board if this is even possible.
What should I try next?
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System hw:
Msi gm785-e65 motherb.
Athlon ii x3 3000
2gb ram kingston fury blue
Thermalright ven. X cooler
Using internal vc, on msi board with 128 sideport ddr 3 ram
Nexus value 430 psu
Windows 7
Spare parts:
Msi 890fxa-gd65 but no vc to test other hw.
Amd phenom black ed. X6 cpu
Sadly my computer has problems. It doesnt boot anylonger, drives are ok. but it was having troubles lately randomly just quiting from windows to a reset, but then getting stuck at the bios splashscreen. Still cannot narrow down the source problem since I have no spare parts to test the parts 1x1. This is the main problem discussed here, how to test without spare parts.
After testing all hw 1x1 as far as possible without spare parts to exchange, I did try transfer all hw from the e65 board (the cpu ram psu cooler) to the msi 890fx board (which a friend gave me ) but it has no graphics card which it needs. But hoping error bleeps could still indicate source of any faulty hw, But it doesnt. It even gives all the same results as with the other mobo.
Should a mobo without graphics card installed but with all other hw installed (psu cpu cooler ram) bleep nonetheless indicating anything at fault?
So the same problems on both boards with psu cpu rsm cooler installed:
"Stuck at phase 2 cpu loading" according to moboleds but no beeps to indcate possible hardware problem on power up. Only the fans and cooler of psu spin. Also tried: clear cmos, reverse ramstick order, 1stick at a time, slots 3/4 instead of 1/2, ram out, still no bleeps, Even tried with a different processor ( the last spare part I did have as mentioned) nothing. Even raised motherboard off table with book bc maybe laquer of table could conduct, nah... still no error beeps to pinpoint possible faulty hw....
Yes I fid clean everything prior to testing.
Also due to low income to buy new hw. Ie. new psu or ram. Im looking for ways to pinpoint the possible faulty hw without the need for a graphics card on the 890fxa board if this is even possible.
What should I try next?
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