Is there a mobo for a socket 939 CPU that will give me X16 SLI ? right now my DFI SLI-DR only gives me 8X when in SLI config and I would really like to see if there is a mobo that could give me X16 in SLI config not 8X .
Thank You for your help .
Now that is what I am talking about ! Thank You .
I just wounder if this mobo will OC as well as this DFI does I guess I will find out that is for sure .
I have a AN8-32x Which offers 2 16x PCI express for my cards each in SLI. Seems nice but I have nothing to compare it to since this is my first PCI-Express board.
from what I have been reading here on this forum is that if you do not have Gx2 cards or better, there will be no gain. I don't think I have seen any tests to prove anything though. Maybe you can be the first
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