IMHO, the Alpha P3125. It is a very nice, But big HSF. And depending on what board you have you may lose a ram slot. I did on my BE6-II. with a tec installed on it I lost 2 ram slots. But it doesnt matter to me. Cause anything over 960 mhz with this PIII 800 I need to have the ram in the last slot anyway, or it wont even load into windows.
I picked up the P3125 with the delta's...its um well kinda loud but very effective...and i olny lost part of 1 slot....the only thing i dont like about the HSF was mounting it, it weights 300g...its in there solid now but took a little playing...but thats minor if i had a 2nd PIII box id get another P3125 for sure
I have personally used the GlobalWin VOS32, and it performed well. The biggest complaint I had with it was the weight. It eventually weakened the slot and the contact leads on the CPU to where it would no longer post in that motherboard.
I have the VOS 32 and I think it's great, your right about the wieght though. I have it lapped to a near mirror finish and replaced the fans with Delta black labels. I have no complaints about it or problems with it, but from everything I've heard, the Alpha would be the #1 choice. If you have the cash, get the Alpha, if your on a budget, the VOS 32 will hold you just fine for a while.
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