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slot 1 vs FCPGA for watercooling question

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Mar 19, 2001
with regard to condensation, is it harder to work with a slot 1 chip or an AsusS370 (FCPGA to slot1) or should i just buy a PGA mobo for water cooling? i'm planning to try a peltier too. what do you guys recommend?
Personally, I think that a FCPGA mobo makes for an easier setup for watercooling, especially with a pelt. There are weight issues with slot 1 and slockets(causing misalignment of the CPU), and its tougher to waterproof. You would probably have an easy time if you just watercool, however, because by itself, watercooling shouldn't cause any condensation.
Slot1: this is about the easiest to seal up for peltiers, but it's harder to find copper waterblocks for.

Slocket Adapter: Any ole Socket waterblock will fit it, requires a lot of work to seal for peltiers, but you don't void your motherboard warrantee sealing up a slocket.

Socket370: Any ole Socket waterblock will fit it, requires a lot of work to seal for peltiers, sealing the socket up will void the motherboards warrantee.

For plan water-cooling, Socket370 would be best. For water/peltiers Slot1 would be the best, with slockets coming in for a close second.
ya jeff has it ,, its easier to insulate a slocket ,than a whole mobo ,plus the slockets are 20$ , so its not so bad to smear silicone all over one :)