let me disect a few things OCnoob said.
No online with the Wii OR ever... "Not a big deal, I don't care"
- I agree. nintendo SHOULD get some Online stuff going. would be nice. They can still have their " everyone in the same room " playing games. which is what their obviously trying to do. But online gaming won't hurt them by ANY means ( would actually help them ).
No software to play DVDs when it has a damn DVD player... "I dun care I can buy a $30 DVD player" - do YOU need your console to play DVD's? I myself have 2 stand-alone DVD players ( a regular one, and one that plays DIVX files ), a PS2, and my PC. thats not including all the other DVD players in this house. this is my room ALONE. Almost everyone has multiple DVD players in their house.
If i don't use my PS2 for DVD's, why would i want to use the wii for DVD's?
Dead Wii... "it happens with all hardware, except MS and Sony, then its a problem" - it DOES happen with all hardware. I have 2 logitech mice in my room, one is crapping out on me. But i have 2 mice, speakers, head-phones..etc..etc. only one of their items has had a problem.
Thing is, sony messed up on the SAME problem TWICE ( if you don't count multiple revisions ). the Laser. you'd think that after the FIRST time they encountered the problem, they'd fix it on the NEXT console.
Microsoft...they had their share of problems with the X-box. but the 360 seemed to have fixed those problems ( the lasers and such ). though the 360 had its share of problems, They fixed those too. and much quicker than sony did.
the GC and Wii have had quite a few less problems than MS and sony did. But they had their share. but then again, they fixed the problems too.
and Dead wii's are much less prevolent than dead PS1's and PS2's. why shouldn't sony get the flack for having a large number of their consoles being DOA, or dieing on the consumer within 3 months of purchase?
Crappy launch titles... "Oh, it just launch we only hold it against MS and Sony that their launch titles weren't full of 10/10 titles"
- MS/Sony did have crappy Release games too. and when their respective consoles have come out, people said the same thing. " these are launch titles, give the company some time the games will get MUCH better ".
i honestly can't recall people saying " ZOMG XBOX/XBOX360 SUXXX look at the gamez!!. ( well i CAN recall that, but those lines were said by trollers, who's opinions doesn't mean squat ). But any honest person said the same thing abou the PS1/PS2/PS3 and Xbox,Xbox360 as their saying about the wii.
Unless your browsing the Gamefaqs forums, i havn't seen to many ill-logical people around here.
Crappy cartrige loading system of NES that made carts not line up correctly and killed many, many NES... "never happened"
- uh...hard for me to comment on that one. the NES came out in america a year after i was born. heh. though it has to count for SOMETHING that i have a NES in my room that still works. My friend has an NES that still works, and my half-brother has 3 NES's that still work.
DS dead pixels... "only matters when it happens to the PSP"
- Did we ever get any info as to where nintendo got its LCD screens for the DS? If i remember right, wasn't sony getting their LCD screens for the PSP, from LCD makers, and they'd buy their scraps, causing more dead pixels than than there should have been? did that change, and sony get better LCD screens?
Dunno, i have a DS-lite, my sister has a regular DS, my friend has had a DS, and now has a DS lite, my brother has a DS, i havn't seen any dead pixels myslef.
i'm not saying they DIDN'T have dead pixels ( because i'm sure they did ), i just havn't seen it myself. though i HAVE seen dead pixels on quite a few PSP's. the PSP had a bigger problem with dead pixels, so they got hammered for it alot more.
Sub-standard hardware... "gfx don't matter just gameplay"
- Check out alot of people's sigs. look at how much some of us have dropped for our PC's. Then ontop of that, we are supposted to drop another 400/500/600 so we can get good graphics on our TV's? AND have to drop the money for a HD-TV as well. ( if they doesn't already own one ).
have you seen some of the games people here are still playing? Look at all the " OMG!! I LOVE STARCRAFT " stuff around here. look at some of the games people are playing man! WoW is the most popular game on earth. But its graphics don't hold a drop of water compaired to the PS3/360. so explain why its so poplular. cause it OBVIOUSLY isn't the graphics. Dare i say it...it just may be the gameplay?
How many people here still pull out the SNES and play their Favorite games they played years ago? Quite alot. If graphics was the only important factor, most of us would have just sold / thrown away our old consoles, as ya know...gameplay isn't important and its all about the graphics.
Its funny, just over a year ago, people would look at the wii and say " WOW! thats friggin GOOD. Now suddenly everyone has a 360, and is like " OMG! IT LOOKS LIKE CRAP ". though they was just playing games that looked worse than that just over a year ago.
Tons of retread Mario/Metroid/Zelda/Pokemon games... "errr Nintendo is teh innovative" - Who ever said that Mario/Metroid/zelda/pokemon were the innovation? we are talking about their controller. a new way to play the games you mentioned. But we arn't saying the games themselfs are innovating. hell, i'v seen quite a few nintendoids say that the games are just re-hashes of nintendo's old games. But, those games are fun. people don't want a different style zelda. they want the zelda they played on the N64. if nintendo deviates from what nintendo fans want, the bitching never ends. ( look at Majora's mask ). if people WANT the same game over and over, why is it a bad thing to give them what they want? isn't that just smart buisness?
they are deviating from the normal " graphics = fun " mentality that has been force fed into every gamers head. Whats wrong with making a console that plays games? and try's to make it fun, and interesting, instead of the norm that we are used to?
sure the controller may not be the MOST innovative thing around. But can you HONESTLY say that a stronger GPU and physics processor is innovative by ANY means what-so-ever?
GC disk read errors... "we won't comment on those" - no real comment on that one from me. i havn't had that happen myself. nor do i know anyone that it has happened to. though i'm sure it HAS happened. but it appears to be less wide-spread as the PS1 and PS2 disc read errors.
DS lite and Wii shortages since we have yet to see more than 20 units at major retailers and 10 at game stores vs. 10 and 10 for the PS3 that has massive shortages... "its not a shortage, Nintendo always delivers, MS and Sony fabricate shortages" - first off, most retailers got in 20+ wii's on launch day. every walmart was garanteed a minimum of 20 per store. the bigger stores had more than 20. some stores had 100 - 200 units.
the thing is, nintendo DID deliver more Wii's on launch day than the PS3. you CAN'T dispute that FACT. yeah, most game stores actually got in LESS wii's than walmart/Toys'R'us. But there was still around 4x the Wii's on launch date than the PS3. And the fact that i see stores getting in 1 or 2 more wii's every few days or so. ( our local gamestop in our mall, got 2 more Wii's the day after the launch, then another day later, they got in another couple wii's ). Sony simply ISN'T delivering the consoles that we demand.
PERSONALLY, i don't think MS or sony fabricated shortages. Their consoles just have more Guts to them. Which takes a longer time to make. That, and with sony having all its Blue-ray problems. its natural that sony Halfed their original numbers, then halfed that number AGAIN.
Microsoft came out with close to the same ammount as the wii with the 360. the 360 had just over 1.2 million on launch day. The wii was right around 1 million.
i kinda lost my train of thought on this one, and forgot where i was going with this as well....but nintendo DOES have a shortage of Wii's. but, they are releasing more units BEFORE christmas, and it seems like its on a constant basis as well. they ARE delivering to our demand. how is that fanboy talk? we had to wait till after christmas to get another shipment of 360's, and will have to wait till after christmas to get another shipment of PS3's. Nintendo are releasing them on a constant basis, and expect to pump out 4 million units by christmas. i don't see the problem in that. nintendo doesn't have a TRUE shortage. they just have a high demand. If 10 million want the wii, but only 8 milion are released, there is STILL a shortage. and nintendo has a better track record of staying of getting their numbers out, than sony and microsoft did and do.
thats not fanboyism talk there. thats just plain facts.
$250 for something thats dirt cheap to make and only $50 less that a 360 with MUCH better, more expensive hardware... "dude, Wii is teh cheap, Nintendo is doing us all a favor by making the cheapest system" - and ya realize that the 300 price tag for the 360 is their CORE model. how many people honestly WANT the core model? and those who DO get it, 90% end up buying the 100 dollar HDD. which brings us up to the 400 dollar price tag. AND they toss out their wired controllers, to get the wireless 360 controller as well.
even with the core model only, your paying 300 + 60 for a game. 360 dollars ( wow, what a coincidince, that the lowest price you can get a Xbox360 for with a game is 360 bucks
). Compaired to nintendo's 250+50 for a game = 300 bucks. Its still 60 bucks cheaper.
but again, with the premium 360 model, its 400 bucks + 60 for a game. minimum price jumps to 460 bucks. Or 300 core model + 100 HDD + 60 dollar game = 460 bucks. Sure, you don't NEED the HDD for the 360. But if you want backwards compatability, you need it. if you want to download demo's, you will need it. If you don't want to keep buying more and more memory cards, you will need it. There's a VERY small percentage of people who don't want/need the 360's HDD.
and i'm not even going to touch on the 500 and 600 price tag on the PS3...because the numbers speak for themselfs right there.
"dude, can't talk have to run out and buy the latest version of the SNES and re-buy all the SNES classics for it!!!" - do you honestly think sony or microsoft wouldn't do the exact same thing if they could do this as well? they would jump all over the idea of people RE-buying their old games! if they had a library that extends 20 years, and could be downloaded very quickly, and get payed for it, they'd jump ALL OVER IT.
sure, its kinda a gimmick. but then again, its great for the people who no longer own a NES/SNES/Genises/N64/TurboGrafx. They don't have to go out and re-buy the console ( even though it would be pretty cheap ). They don't have to go out and hunt through 4+ stores to find that ONE game they want. ( though, some games won't be released on the wii, due to copyrights ). they don't have to have 6 consoles hooked to their TV to play their favorite old-time games. its all in one console. Its made for ease of use. and its simplistic nature.
that, and its a genius buisness move. all they have to do is use some computers, convert the games to roms, and slap them online to download. And suddenly, the original mario game is pulling a profit once again.
hell, nintendo could have been Jerks, and FORCED us to use the Classic Wii controller. Luckely they was nice enough to let us continue using our old Gamecube controllers for the wii console.
and its not like they are FORCING you to buy the classic games either. its completly optional. if you have no interest in buying the original Zelda, or mario...you don't have to. its that simple.
Power glove, virtual boy, little NES robot guy, N64 memory upgrade, e-Reader, etc... "we won't bring those topics up" - Microsofts Windows Me, Sony's Betamax. your point? every manufacturer of every electronic item has a failure. and nintendo is no different than MS or sony. yeah, those items were flops. then again so was Window ME, and the betamax as well.
nintendo has had their share of flops too. happens to everyone. Einstein spent the last years of his life, working on the theory to everything. he didn't succeed either. ( yeah, i know there isn't a comparison of einstein to the wii, just using it as an example ).
ps. yeah, i know i kinda bashed sony a bit in this reply. But their on my Sh*t list right now. i want the PS3, i just hate sony.
and even though i agree that fanboyism isn't a good thing, and fanboys do tend to defend their favorite company WAY TO MUCH, i had to respond to your comments. i mean, how could i NOT comment on them? if i didn't do it, someone else would have. and its not like you expected your comments be un-replied to anyways.
PSS. i'm really sorry for the length of my reply. I just felt that, if i was going to comment on some of the things you said, i might as well comment on them all.