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someone help me overclock ABIT KR7A-133

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Dec 13, 2001
Portland, Oregon
..I'm a bit new at this. When I select CPU user set I increase Multiplier.. but when my comp fully boots up it seems that i've UNDERCLOCKED it.. I.E. it reads 400Mhz slower.

I've looked up many forum guides, but I think i'm a bit too silly to do it on my own and not get help.

Any suggestions/instructions??

any help would be appreciated
1. List down EXACTLY what you see in SOFT MENU III.

2. What are your idle & load temps? I mean full load, like 2hrs of Folding or Seti or Prime95 or 3DMark2001.

That's it for now.
If it isn't unlocked, you cannot change the multiplier. Its as simple as that. Change it back to "default" in the BIOS.

From there, check out the temps of the thing (proc and system). If it is CONSIDERABLY less than say, 55 degrees Celsius, then you can go ahead and try to up the FSB speed a little at a time (1 Mhz up, save, reboot, run benchmarks, increase again, until unstable, then down one or two Mhzs from there). At each point, after running benchmarks, check on temperatures. You might need better cooling to OC further. What is your cooling setup, HSF, case, case fans?

That sounds simple, but I really caution you to run benchmarks (for half an hour) after each increment, as you want to see how hot the thing becomes during load. If it gets to 55 before becoming unstable, then stop there. You don't want to blow the chip.

* Note: 55 above is a bit cautious. There is definitely room for more than that, but I'm trying to protect your chip.

Good luck!
well, it's not unlocked.. ergh.

my case temps are in the low 40's.

I have a thick steel case, and about 6 fans. everything is air-cooled quite well.