I've built a case to battle dust in my basement for a couple of servers. I ran into some ... measurement problems <face-palm>, but it's close to done anyhow.
I installed four monster case fans, Bitfenix 230mm newegg, and a 12 volt power supply newegg. I snipped all the three wire ends off, and twised two of the three wires together with the 12v power supply. All fans light up and spin, but very slowly. I'm sure they can blow faster, and I need them to.
Now I'm regretting cutting all the ends off these fans, but I think I can remedy the situation. I'd like to tie in a manual speed controller like this one newegg that also has a temperature sensor in it, which is nice. This one is powered by Molex connector, a whole power supply, that I'd like to avoid buying and installing. it will take up a lot of room in my cabinet. Perhaps only four of these would fit the bill newegg but only two input pins would get the 12v power, while the speed input gets nothing. All three out wires would go to each fan.
I'm open to suggestions here of course, including rethinking this whole thing and going a different route. But I do like the idea of an easily replaceable/cleanable filter that will take care of all dust in my servers. They definitely need something because they're going to be living in my basement for the foreseeable future.
The project so far: https://goo.gl/photos/eMYntioGmeJAY7gb8
I installed four monster case fans, Bitfenix 230mm newegg, and a 12 volt power supply newegg. I snipped all the three wire ends off, and twised two of the three wires together with the 12v power supply. All fans light up and spin, but very slowly. I'm sure they can blow faster, and I need them to.
Now I'm regretting cutting all the ends off these fans, but I think I can remedy the situation. I'd like to tie in a manual speed controller like this one newegg that also has a temperature sensor in it, which is nice. This one is powered by Molex connector, a whole power supply, that I'd like to avoid buying and installing. it will take up a lot of room in my cabinet. Perhaps only four of these would fit the bill newegg but only two input pins would get the 12v power, while the speed input gets nothing. All three out wires would go to each fan.
I'm open to suggestions here of course, including rethinking this whole thing and going a different route. But I do like the idea of an easily replaceable/cleanable filter that will take care of all dust in my servers. They definitely need something because they're going to be living in my basement for the foreseeable future.
The project so far: https://goo.gl/photos/eMYntioGmeJAY7gb8
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