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I received the new motherboard, but as I was loading the os onto my usb drive, I had a catastrophic meltdown in my main rig.
I ended up toasting an x79 board and a stick of memory (at least.) I wasn't even benching it....
I had put in some ram the other day that was slightly questionable, but it seemed ok. Full load mining on 2 gpus and cpu, plus copying files must have pushed it past it's limits. I had to move the cpu over to my main rig for temporary duty, until I get my new rampage black and get the upgrades to the watercooling finished. It should be this week. Hopefully the 4930k is ok or it will be another while to rma that. Perhaps I will pick up a cheapy 1155 cpu to get it going sooner.
As far as the steamos install, I am thinking that I may change over to ubuntu, then add on the steam client. That way it would be easier to add on all of my other wants as well. Perhaps add on myth too.
I'm interested to see how your 750 does in Linux versus windows. I have an Ubuntu box with an AMD HD6870 that I have been gaming on a little. The AMD drivers have come a long way recently. When I first tried gaming about a year or more ago, it was barely playable and MSAA was broken.
Now, the valve games are very playable, even with MSAA and I am within 10%-20% of my win7 performance depending on whether MSAA is on or not (seems to take a bigger hit under Linux). I have also tried Trine2 which has been playable but not as smooth as Win7, Serious Sam 3 which was decently playable but only at severely reduced settings, and a bunch of indie's that all work fine. I have found that the latest AMD drivers work better with a kernel of 3.12.x and above as well. Anyway, interested to see what your experience is like.
Valve found that under some conditions at least, linux is faster than Windows.
Ya with Nvidia, ATI drivers are still way behind
Valve found that under some conditions at least, linux is faster than Windows.
I integrated XBMC with SteamOS using these instructions.
Type the following commands:
sudo su
cd /usr/share/xsessions/
mv gnome.desktop gnome-old.desktop
cp XBMC.desktop gnome.desktop
You can now reboot the computer. After SteamOS has launched, select “Exit” and “Return to Desktop” to launch XBMC. You can then return back to Steam by selecting “Exit” in the XBMC.
You can restore the original desktop back by typing the following in the terminal:
sudo su
cd /usr/share/xsessions/
rm gnome.desktop
mv gnome-old.desktop gnome.desktop
I was curious as to what is XBMC and found out that the team responsible for creating/maintaining it, have released a Ubuntu distro with XMBC as it's interface? it is called aptly enough "XBMCubuntu"
I think I would preffer to add XBMC to an existing distro than go that route, but it would make things simpler if you want an HTPC that mostly works out of the box for a media only pc.