i'm building a watercooled athlon in a submarine case and can input a little. First, if your motherboard needs (includes) a special i/o shield plate, be prepared to cut into the case to make it fit. (or cut into the shield that comes with the case to fit it to the motherboard) This wasn't a big deal for me. On that subject, i highly reccomend a dremel multipurpose spiral cut bit for any cuts you need to make in the plastic- it actually cuts (use low rpm, btw) instead of melting.
In general, would suggest you get a plastic cement (solvent based) and cement all the seams. As it comes, the case is screwed together and gluing all the seams, really makes it a much more solid case. I've also cut all sorts of holes in the top over the heater core and can't imagine how much it would flop around without being glued.
You may also be concerend with EMI/RFI - as it is a plastic case, there is no shielding. I bought a can of "super shield" a nickle-based paint and sprayed the inside of the case (before gluing it all back together) hoping to provide some shielding. I bought the case because of the nifty hinged motherboard tray (ala G4) - not because of the blueberry mac color. Anyway, if you've ever had the pleasure of working with a mac g4 case, i'll tell you now that this is not even close to as solid.
It is nice and lite which will be good if you plan on carying it around a lot but i'd imagine if you dropped it, there would be many plastic pieces everywhere. The door, when closed, is reasonably secure but definately needs to be supported on something when it is open.
So, even with the above caveats, i tenatively reccomend the case if you don't mind (or plan on ) making changes to it. The plastic is fun to cut (but messy- it looked like it had snowed when i was through). This is the only (pc) case with the fold- down door, which is why (the sole reason) i bought it. I looked around a lot before doing so.
One last warning. the psu is mounted on the bottom of the case is a strange config which (On amd spec psu's with the dual cooling fans) there's not much clearance between the side of the case and the psu for the intake fan. If you don't mind a little more dremel work, you can flip the psu to suck from the other direction. But i'm watercooling it so this isn't an issue for me.
let me know if you have and specific questions. i'm not so sure the above ramble was of much use. I payed around $55 for the case but the "super shield" spray was another $20. Also, ive noticed that nikao, who makes the case doesn't list it on their website which might mean it is not long for this world. Tom's hardware and a comple other places have reviewed the case.