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Submerged fans!!!!!!!!

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Mar 1, 2003
the terran system
I heard about un ionized water, veggie oil, and some other stuff being used to completely submerge all your components. would a fan spin under those liquids? wouldnt it be needed to still cool the cpu?
u couldnt really put the fan motor in the water i think.. woudlnt b a good idea nevertheless.. would b better do do it like a boat.. have the motor outside the case and a rod with the fan on it going in there over whatever area its needed.. but it would probably be even easier to just put a pump to blow the liquid at higher pressure into the area u want.

The only thing like that I've seen is when someone (I want to say he was a Swede or from Norway or somewhere close by, maybe he was a Dane) took one of those cheap styrofoam coolers, placed his motherboard down in the bottom, and submerged it in mineral oil.

Then he placed the cooling element from a window A/C unit over the top of it, and had a pump grabbing oil from the bottom and raining it over the cold element.

I don't know the longevity of such a setup, but I know it DID work. (at least, I know he CLAIMED it worked.)
beppi on 2cpu.com has pic's of his dualie in a fishtank loaded with mineral oil. The fans spin (slower), even the PSU is submerged, and the "Warenty Void if Removed" is still intact, if only slightly soggy.

Mineral oil becomes thicker at cooler temps. However, there are a kazillion types of mineral oil, some have much lower pour points than others.

Also on 2cpu.com they have a poll going on regarding chilled mineral oil baths for cooling.

Mineral Oil is fairly innert. However, supposedly some unprotected caps can absorb the mineral oil and swell. It leads one to wonder why some caps aren't sealed, and if these caps would eventually leak the mineral oil they already have in them?

Anyway, check out the 2cpu forums occasionally. Things get exciting overthere occasionally too...
ok well the ones smaller than the 40 work better. like 30 i think. but they worked for like 5 mins straight at least. the bigger one just spun the water in the bowl, and the little ones moved more.
It DOES work in dionisex water or distilled.. dont need to try it out but it would be a fun endavour i geuss... the fan will just spin slower wont do anything else.. but as i said eventually you will get corrosion and eventually things will short out
If the fan did move wouldnt it whip the oil or whatever substance you use. Eventually it would become thicker and thicker.
You can submerge your computer in HFE (Hydro Fluoro Ether) if you wanted to. Check it out here if you're interested.
lol thats sick, HFE that is expensive as a good watercooling, per gallon

Yeah i would just go with none...

As i said before everythingw ill run fine for a month but later on dissimilar metals will corode eachother and eventually you will get shorts on your motherboard.

i am going to submerge a fan and try to amke a vid out of it just to show you all :)
oh gosh people. please dont riun your fans just for my curiosity. what i was thinking though, is that if someonewanted to do this, they would need a fan on the hs because there would be no airflow over it. or should i say waterflow. just as curiosity, where would one get deionized water?
modenaf1 said:
oh gosh people. please dont riun your fans just for my curiosity. what i was thinking though, is that if someonewanted to do this, they would need a fan on the hs because there would be no airflow over it. or should i say waterflow. just as curiosity, where would one get deionized water?

I wouldnt be ruining any fans. I know the water isnt conductive and i ave my trusty multimeter to back me up on that :)

DI water is sometimes harder to find...

Distilled will also be non electrically conductive but cheaper... and you can find it at your local grocery store usually
I might be missing something, but what's the point? If it's just to show us what a submerged fan looks like, well... I think we can all picture what it would look like.