The Palominos were the first AthlonXPs, introduced the PR for AMD CPUs, and ran from XP1500+ to XP2200+ (Or 2000+, not sure).
The Palominos used a 0.18 micron process, meaning that transistors were 0.18micrometers (10^-6) wide. They included SSE instruction support (an Intel instruction set for speeding up some calculations) and performed more work per clock cycle than previous AMD CPUs. They were OK at overclocking, but the 1600+s were pretty good. Asj has a 1600+ at 1.73GHz at stock voltage, a 333MHz overclock. A bit more voltage and cooling, and 1.8GHz is easily possible.
Then came the Thoroughbred, based on a 0.13micron process. This means that less power is required, as the parts are smaller, and less heat is emitted. TBred A's, as a rule didnt overclock that well. Tbred Bs were a revison to the 'A' core, and overclock a lot better. They run at 1.5 or 1.6Volts.
Your 'ideal' Tbred B for overclocking is probably a AIUHB DLT3C CPU.