- Joined
- Jul 17, 2003
There’s a lot of good stuff in the tables below this week. Read on and fold on.
Team Conquest/Threat List
[oldtable] LinusTechTips |1.1 months | down from 6.1 months.
PCMR |6.6 months | down from infininty.
PC Games Hardware |11 years | down from infinity.[/table]
LTT is really going strong. They are even gaining on CureCoin which is really saying something. I mean, wow. Just wow. Like, OMG wow. PCMR has popped up on our threat list for the first time ever. Good for them and PC Games Hardware are letting us know that they are not gone. They are going to keep us honest.
Don’t take any of this to mean that we aren’t doing well. We are doing very well. The issue is more of a perfect storm in which our hobby lends itself to helping the current need and the servers can’t keep up with the extra demand for WUs. So we just keep on chugging along and doing whatever work comes our way.
Active folders and ranking:
[oldtable]|Active Folders|Ranking|Ave PPD
This week |166 | 52nd |425k.
Last week |86 |34th |1.42 million.
2 weeks ago |68 | 28th | 1.71 million.
3 weeks ago | 66 | 22nd | 2.06 million.
4 weeks ago | 66 | 22nd | 2.09 million.
5 weeks ago | 75 | 29th | 1.80 million.
6 weeks ago | 77 | 22nd | 1.75 million.
7 weeks ago |96 | 17th |1.45 million.
8 weeks ago | 126 | 9th | 1.10 million.
9 weeks ago |70 | | 2.11 million. [/table]
Here is where the stats start to get fun. We have more active folders than I can ever remember. Maybe we had this many in our prime? 166 active folders. Yet we are 52nd in the world for the number of active folders. The lowest that we have ever been. To be clear, 166 active folders is a great number. I love that number. We are doing well. Other venues such as LTT are able to advertise to an extremely large audience and end up with nearly 8k users. Reddit has over 3k active. 166 is small but it is also grand.
The low average points per day (ppd) is a result of the work servers not having enough WUs to hand out. You’ll see that more in the table below. For example, much of my farm is idle at any given time waiting for something to do. Work is being handed out but there is just not enough to go around right now.
Hang in there though. Work is coming and we can still do a lot of good.
Top 20 PPD:
[oldtable]1| HayesK | 20.05 million.
2| Holdolin | 6.14 million.
3| WhitehawkEQ | 5.70 million.
4| torin3 | 3.21 million.
5| P4EE | 2.82 million.
6| dfonda | 1.88 million.
7| JrClocker | 1.80 million.
8| squads | 1.76 million.
9| Macaholic | 1.57 million.
10| aviationfrk | 1.49 million.
11| orion456 | 1.30 million.
12| don256us | 1.29 million.
13| TC | 1.18 million.
14| superducky | 1.16 million.
15| Railgun | 1.07 million.
16| Tom Ozahoski |
17| DarkWarrior |
18| zspaldin |
19| modd |
20| rpkole | [/table]
A lot of guys dropped from the top 20 and we have far fewer 1 million ppd+ earners this week. Not to worry. We all dropped in average ppd as discussed above. Macaholic took a big hit this week for example. Dropped from his usual 3rd spot down to 9th. We’ve all felt similar hits on our ppd. It will work itself out. If you’re feeling blue and not sure about anything else, know that the WUs will come eventually. There’s your bright spot. Maybe not blindingly bright, more like a flashlight. “Torch” if you’re from the Queens country. Not like a mag light type flashlight either. More like that cheap dollar store plastic flashlight and not with expensive Li ion batteries either. More like the old dry cell “C” batteries but a light none the less. There is a light and that’s what’s important here. If you fold, points will come.
…. maybe not a “C” cell flashlight. Perhaps more like “AAA” single cell…. Anyway, not important. There is a light and that’s what we can stay upbeat about.
For those feeling blue, here’s a VR group hug.
Individual Milestones:
(Note: The word “earned” acknowledges the hard work done to earn these points at all levels of production.)
[oldtable] squads will earn | his first billion in 1.1 days.| You’re getting close to your 1st billion!
JLK03F150 will earn | 600 million in 5.8 days.| Keep at it friend.
zspaldin will earn | 400 million in 1.8 days. | Almost buddy.
MrGuvernment just earned | 90 million. |
Outback Jon will earn | 70 million in 2.4 days. |
NiteSmoker just earned | 50 million. |
The Penguin just earned | 30 million. |
Tom Ozahoski will earn | 30 million in…. in…. | 0 hours? Yep.
Railgun just earned | his first 10 million! WOOT! an will earn | 20 million in 2.5 days.
Gnerma just earned | 20 million.|
DaPoets just earned | 9 million and will earn | his first 10 million in 2.1 days.
Is 907 just earned | 8 million. |
ISUuNFers will earn | 4 million in 14.4 hours. |
DeNitro just earned | 3 million and will earn | 4 million in 7.2 hours.
ACE2 just earned | 2 million and will earn | 3 million in 3.3 days.
Wirehead will earn | 2 million in 2.6 days. |
myndlessdayz just earned | his first 1 million and will earn | 2 million in 3.5 days! WOOT![/table]
Usually I find this section to be tedious and difficult to write. Today, I find it fun and nostalgic. There are a lot of new names as well as a lot of old timers who are back. Some haven’t been active folders for a very long time. It’s great to see you all.
Team Top 100 or (Page 1):
Moving up one spot each:
Lochekey @ #33
zspaldin @ #46
rpkole @ #59
With the number of active folders back on the team and with reduced ppd, it’s going to be harder to gain on your fellow teammates. Keep the pressure on each other guys as we work together to put pressure on the other teams and produce scientific results. Make it fun. If you’ve been making progress on over-taking a teammate who is now back in the fold, challenge them to a race to the next milestone. Make it fun or I will make it fun for you. In fact… mandatory fun for all. You will have fun or else…
World Top 100:
Moving up in these ranks is difficult. Great job guys.
[oldtable] Macaholic |#16|
HayesK |#22| |
HayesK |#34|
WhitehawkEQ |#37| |
P4EE |#57| Moving up 1 spot!|
RoXQi3x |#77|
RamonetB |#79|
orion456 |#87| [/table]
WhiteHawk’s white hot streak of three weeks in a row has ended but knowing him, he’ll probably move up later this week. I haven’t looked to see but if the past teaches us anything, it’s that WhiteHawkEQ will move up. P4EE moved up a spot this week to # 57. WOOT! Getting close to the top 50 in the world brother.
MVP of the week!
Congratulations to everyone on their hard work and earned goals.
Build, Borg, Recruit.

If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.
It’s not how much you fold but if you fold.
If you fold, then you’re my friend.
Keep your stick on the ice.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Everything is within walking distance…. if you have the time.
Please provide another cliché here.
Until next week…
Team Conquest/Threat List
[oldtable] LinusTechTips |1.1 months | down from 6.1 months.
PCMR |6.6 months | down from infininty.
PC Games Hardware |11 years | down from infinity.[/table]
LTT is really going strong. They are even gaining on CureCoin which is really saying something. I mean, wow. Just wow. Like, OMG wow. PCMR has popped up on our threat list for the first time ever. Good for them and PC Games Hardware are letting us know that they are not gone. They are going to keep us honest.
Don’t take any of this to mean that we aren’t doing well. We are doing very well. The issue is more of a perfect storm in which our hobby lends itself to helping the current need and the servers can’t keep up with the extra demand for WUs. So we just keep on chugging along and doing whatever work comes our way.
Active folders and ranking:
[oldtable]|Active Folders|Ranking|Ave PPD
This week |166 | 52nd |425k.
Last week |86 |34th |1.42 million.
2 weeks ago |68 | 28th | 1.71 million.
3 weeks ago | 66 | 22nd | 2.06 million.
4 weeks ago | 66 | 22nd | 2.09 million.
5 weeks ago | 75 | 29th | 1.80 million.
6 weeks ago | 77 | 22nd | 1.75 million.
7 weeks ago |96 | 17th |1.45 million.
8 weeks ago | 126 | 9th | 1.10 million.
9 weeks ago |70 | | 2.11 million. [/table]
Here is where the stats start to get fun. We have more active folders than I can ever remember. Maybe we had this many in our prime? 166 active folders. Yet we are 52nd in the world for the number of active folders. The lowest that we have ever been. To be clear, 166 active folders is a great number. I love that number. We are doing well. Other venues such as LTT are able to advertise to an extremely large audience and end up with nearly 8k users. Reddit has over 3k active. 166 is small but it is also grand.
The low average points per day (ppd) is a result of the work servers not having enough WUs to hand out. You’ll see that more in the table below. For example, much of my farm is idle at any given time waiting for something to do. Work is being handed out but there is just not enough to go around right now.
Hang in there though. Work is coming and we can still do a lot of good.
Top 20 PPD:
[oldtable]1| HayesK | 20.05 million.
2| Holdolin | 6.14 million.
3| WhitehawkEQ | 5.70 million.
4| torin3 | 3.21 million.
5| P4EE | 2.82 million.
6| dfonda | 1.88 million.
7| JrClocker | 1.80 million.
8| squads | 1.76 million.
9| Macaholic | 1.57 million.
10| aviationfrk | 1.49 million.
11| orion456 | 1.30 million.
12| don256us | 1.29 million.
13| TC | 1.18 million.
14| superducky | 1.16 million.
15| Railgun | 1.07 million.
16| Tom Ozahoski |
17| DarkWarrior |
18| zspaldin |
19| modd |
20| rpkole | [/table]
A lot of guys dropped from the top 20 and we have far fewer 1 million ppd+ earners this week. Not to worry. We all dropped in average ppd as discussed above. Macaholic took a big hit this week for example. Dropped from his usual 3rd spot down to 9th. We’ve all felt similar hits on our ppd. It will work itself out. If you’re feeling blue and not sure about anything else, know that the WUs will come eventually. There’s your bright spot. Maybe not blindingly bright, more like a flashlight. “Torch” if you’re from the Queens country. Not like a mag light type flashlight either. More like that cheap dollar store plastic flashlight and not with expensive Li ion batteries either. More like the old dry cell “C” batteries but a light none the less. There is a light and that’s what’s important here. If you fold, points will come.
…. maybe not a “C” cell flashlight. Perhaps more like “AAA” single cell…. Anyway, not important. There is a light and that’s what we can stay upbeat about.
For those feeling blue, here’s a VR group hug.

Individual Milestones:
(Note: The word “earned” acknowledges the hard work done to earn these points at all levels of production.)
[oldtable] squads will earn | his first billion in 1.1 days.| You’re getting close to your 1st billion!
JLK03F150 will earn | 600 million in 5.8 days.| Keep at it friend.
zspaldin will earn | 400 million in 1.8 days. | Almost buddy.
MrGuvernment just earned | 90 million. |
Outback Jon will earn | 70 million in 2.4 days. |
NiteSmoker just earned | 50 million. |
The Penguin just earned | 30 million. |
Tom Ozahoski will earn | 30 million in…. in…. | 0 hours? Yep.
Railgun just earned | his first 10 million! WOOT! an will earn | 20 million in 2.5 days.
Gnerma just earned | 20 million.|
DaPoets just earned | 9 million and will earn | his first 10 million in 2.1 days.
Is 907 just earned | 8 million. |
ISUuNFers will earn | 4 million in 14.4 hours. |
DeNitro just earned | 3 million and will earn | 4 million in 7.2 hours.
ACE2 just earned | 2 million and will earn | 3 million in 3.3 days.
Wirehead will earn | 2 million in 2.6 days. |
myndlessdayz just earned | his first 1 million and will earn | 2 million in 3.5 days! WOOT![/table]
Usually I find this section to be tedious and difficult to write. Today, I find it fun and nostalgic. There are a lot of new names as well as a lot of old timers who are back. Some haven’t been active folders for a very long time. It’s great to see you all.
Team Top 100 or (Page 1):
Moving up one spot each:
Lochekey @ #33
zspaldin @ #46
rpkole @ #59
With the number of active folders back on the team and with reduced ppd, it’s going to be harder to gain on your fellow teammates. Keep the pressure on each other guys as we work together to put pressure on the other teams and produce scientific results. Make it fun. If you’ve been making progress on over-taking a teammate who is now back in the fold, challenge them to a race to the next milestone. Make it fun or I will make it fun for you. In fact… mandatory fun for all. You will have fun or else…
World Top 100:
Moving up in these ranks is difficult. Great job guys.
[oldtable] Macaholic |#16|
HayesK |#22| |
HayesK |#34|
WhitehawkEQ |#37| |
P4EE |#57| Moving up 1 spot!|
RoXQi3x |#77|
RamonetB |#79|
orion456 |#87| [/table]
WhiteHawk’s white hot streak of three weeks in a row has ended but knowing him, he’ll probably move up later this week. I haven’t looked to see but if the past teaches us anything, it’s that WhiteHawkEQ will move up. P4EE moved up a spot this week to # 57. WOOT! Getting close to the top 50 in the world brother.
MVP of the week!
Congratulations to everyone on their hard work and earned goals.
Build, Borg, Recruit.

If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.
It’s not how much you fold but if you fold.
If you fold, then you’re my friend.
Keep your stick on the ice.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Everything is within walking distance…. if you have the time.
Please provide another cliché here.
Until next week…
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