mixed up. Sorry TT.
We've got some overlap so to save both of us a bit of time, whatcha think about this:
I'll find my 1155's this week and post whatever I've got that works. Thinking your 3770k is probably the one for you to focus on for now?
SC2: GPU 3D!/round/team_cup_2017_sc2
If it good with you, I'll go after the 8800gt 512 sub. My first attempt was 379K so hoping I can do better. May have 1 or 2 of the others but this card's likely to be the best shot from me.
SC3: MISC 1!/round/team_cup_2017_sc3
For stage 2 hope to run the 7700k or 7350k with a decent gtx 285 both cold. Stage 3, will have to look around but we should coordinate on which chip. Think I've got a surviving e8500 or 8600 that does 6GHz. Stage 4....where's Woomack???
He should let us know which each of us should try with for this. I've also got working ddr1-4...could definitely get somewhere around 1400MHz for ddr3. Haven't tried max speed on ddr4 but have some pretty decent sticks to try.
SC4: MISC 2!/round/team_cup_2017_sc4
How terrible is your 4690k? jicc's 4770k might be better than any that I'm working so thinking I'll (hopefully) cover the 4790k.
Is there a spreadsheet or something so we know who's in, running what for what stage, gaps to fill, etc? Figure if we're a little more coordinated we'd surely do a little better (or at least make more efficient use of our time hehe)