LikuidFusion (Apr 30, 2001 07:55 a.m.):
HELLO!!! you guys are looking past the fact that he doesnt mean to actually use 200 SDRAM-he just does not realize that the chip runs at HALF that-if you boot to 6x200 (which is really 6x100) youll only be running at 600mhz and fry your chip!!!-the 200/266, well whichever your cpu/mobo is set at, it runs at half. Meaning if you got pc-133 ram and you got a 266 chip the chip is actually running at 133mhz FSB- to match the RAM- , which is half of 266, and in my case i got a 200mhz FSB chip, and my settings are 6x100, on pc100 RAM. A 1 gig chip as mentioned is probably set to 10x100=1000, and you can up the FSB via mobo or whatever to 133/266, then it be 10x133=thad be 1330mhz, but the best way is to lower the mulitplier to like 8.0x133 that would be 1064mhz, basically what ever the chip is rated at 200 or 266 its actuall running at half that =100/133 thats why there is no 200/266 setting in the BIOS-hope that helps-=but DO NOT run that chip at 6x200 or it will post as a 600 and DIE, that is really 6x100, and dont post the multiplier that low, use 8.0 at the lowest, and thats only if your using a FSB of 133, if your only using a FSB 100 donbt go lower than 10, of you be running at a sub-gig speed-email me if ya wnat more info