The cpu-cooler I now use on my 1Ghz@1183Mhz Thunderbird
is an Pentalpha APSK0155 (see
It cools very good, idle temps @ 20-22°C.
The problem is.... it is VERY LOUD!!!!!
And I really mean loud....
When I stop the fan for just a second, you hear..... nothing,
it's as quiet as can be. So all the noise comes from this cooler.
What is the best cooler I could get, that would cool VERY good (like the best ;-), but is also QUIET. (damn those head-aches ;-)
I use an Abit KT7A mobo.
is an Pentalpha APSK0155 (see
It cools very good, idle temps @ 20-22°C.
The problem is.... it is VERY LOUD!!!!!
And I really mean loud....
When I stop the fan for just a second, you hear..... nothing,
it's as quiet as can be. So all the noise comes from this cooler.
What is the best cooler I could get, that would cool VERY good (like the best ;-), but is also QUIET. (damn those head-aches ;-)
I use an Abit KT7A mobo.