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The 'OFFICIAL' Thread on unlocking AMD CPUs!

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ok...so..i got my new chip and board..i went to use the glue and defogger method on my chip and filled the pits with super glue...that was a piece of cake..i then proceeded to cross the bridges with dfp and using scoth tape to tape it of...well on my first attempt at crossing it i got dfp under the tape and it crossed with another bridge...after frying my last chip and this happening to me i panicked and just cleaned the chip, and ...THANKED GOD that it still worked! :eek:

soo....i have my pits filled and my chip still locked...I was messing around with my settings tonight after finally getting a real opportunity to give it a thourgh run through.. i got my system to run stable with the ram at normal timing, but set at cas2 running at 166mhz, with the cpu multiplier at 140mhz..and from what i read this means the ram is actually running at 172mhz, no? Then i had the vcore at 1.95v and the ram core at 3.1v and it ran stable...i tried a little faster but due to still living at home and it being summer here in the desert and my step-dad a wierdo and not running the a/c i am stuck with outrageous room temps...although i have some case cooling and this hsf its not worth it for me to attempt any higher with not really getting full potential after unlocking it at home...anyways, i am moving out soon and can run the a/c nice and cool at like 68-70, lol... and have a bonus of after finally getting out of my house i will unlock my cpu...if it takes me a couple more attepmts and taking more time and notting getting all excited and maybe have some better ram by then and crank this baby out in a lian li case with the tornado 92mm fan to cool that puppy! :p ;)

also do some sick modding..i keep drooling over the capabilities that there is now! :eek:
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I think i've seen another method here, or some other oc forum, from a chinese site.
You take that rubber strip from a lcd, cut it the size of the bridges and tape it over them. Anyone remember or have tried that?
i just partially unlocked my xp with the highspeedpc kit and i only have whole number mult's. my .5's seem to round down ( 5.5 =5) and so on. has anyone figured out what that means? i know it means i have a bad bridge somewhere, but has anyone deduced which one it is? by the way, i used a modified method to actually get my bridges connected cleanly. i used tape the cover the "dots" when i put the filler in. plus i used tape to protect the bridges that i hadnt connected. for example: i put tape over 1 through 4 while i was doing 5. Then i put the tape over 1 through 3 while i was doing 4, and so on.

ps: hehe, i'm running a 667mhz xp 1700+ right now :eek:

EDIT: you guys arent going to believe this.... after messing around with the fsb while the mult was at 5 to find the max, my bridges must have magically fixed themselves! i now have the full range of multipliers, including the .5's that i didnt have when i initially tested the unlock! :cool:
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.:eek: We had a brownout today (@55 VAC), and a while had passed b4 we shut the power down to the system. After the power came back on, the computer booted up and defaulted to a 1.47GHz, I cleared CMOS and set the Multi to 12....no luck , showed 1.47Ghz again. My paint must have experienced a problem during the brownout or a coincidence maybe. I scraped (ouch) all the paint off and AS3'd again and reinstalled the XP, now Im back to the stock multi of 11.5...locked. :mad: ......Guess I need to get my scope back and run some new conductive silver lines.......Could the brownout have done this????I have total surge suppression protection. Im just curious, glad it still works!
Thanks All :burn:
i have been using the lcd for awhile.i tried it because i had destroyed the material around the bridges and had no other options.it worked the first try for several months.while cleaning the other day i blew the tape off and lost the connection and as yet havent redone it but it worked great.if your interested in obtaining some search my threads and look for cellphone unlocking material.
man i got some new stuff...vantec tornado 80mm for the cpu, thermal take active cooler and heatpreader on the other stick....and when i went to try to unlock my chip i still had problems with it....man i suck at this...im still at the same settings with the 23.12 bios...but i want this baby unlocked and see what i can do...i think ill go pick some more defogger paint up eventually and try it again....although i have the ram at 2.9 this time with the cooling...and i dropped about 5-6 degrees celcius in idle temps!
well from looking at the previous posts i must have gotten lucky and bought the correct mobo or i already have an unlocked processor, i have an ASUS A7V333 MOBO and an AMD Duron 1.1gig chip and i can adjust in the bios the FSB and multiplyer. i have the multiplier range of 7 to 15.5 in .5 increments. and FSB of 100 mhz to 266 mhz in increments of 1. Windows XP recognizes my chip as a 1080 Mhz speed i have overclocked it gradually to 1225 Mhz, as i am new to this OC thing i am taking it slow. i do plan on installing an AMD xp 2200+ here soon as it gets here. until then i would like to know how far i can take my duron without smoking it or the MOBO? some other interesting tidbits about my system are as follows, 512 meg PC2700 DDR SDRAM ATA 133 ide's and an nVIDIA video card. any help or info would be nice thanks.:burn:
unlock help

Is it possible to unlock and it looks good and you do seem to get
some of the higher multipliers but not 10.5 or down??
this is a 2000+
Re: unlock help

baugh said:
Is it possible to unlock and it looks good and you do seem to get somebut not ??
Yeah, I've had problems on two different CPUs, not exactly your instance but some multipliers working and some not. The only way fix it is to undo and redo. This is were it gets dangerous because you can damage the CPU substrate.
There is a guy that knows all the Algorithms of the bridges and multipliers named Candjac. Maybe he could point out which specific one was boogered based on what you have and therefore make redoing easier. I'll ask him that question next time I catch him online. He is a member at Icrontic and also Extremesystems.org
Good luck and be careful not to damage your CPU.
Welcome to the Forums
Is this required for ABIT AT7 & an Athlon 2100

Hello all,

I am in the process of building a new system, I currently have an ABIT AT7 (Version 1.0) MoBo, just received it from NewEgg. I have the AMD 2100 AthlonXP CPU. (Still waiting on my True550 Power Supply)

I've read in various places that some ABIT MoBo's have a problem with all .013 micron CPU's. The discussion here seems to be related primarly to the 2200 CPU.

Do I need to short the bridge on my Athlon 2100 to get it to function with my MoBo?

Any help appreciated...

Your AMD 2100 will work just fine since it is not a .13 micron processor. It is also the most difficult CPU to unlock so I'd recommend leaving it stock.

Welcome To The Forums
BTW Buckhunter,

I knew I hadn't linked in here without reading somewhere that the AT7 and 2100 were a potential problem...here is the link.

Almost at the bottom of the page there is a section on 2200 and 2100, and it certainly leads one to believe that the 2100 is a .013 CPU...

Thanks again,
Re: unlock help

baugh said:
Is it possible to unlock and it looks good and you do seem to get
some of the higher multipliers but not 10.5 or down??
this is a 2000+

Hi baugh,
Problem might be with the 4X Bit Value L1 bridge, which is the 4th from the left.

You see default 12.5X has only the .5X and 1X Bit Values set HI, and the 2X, 4X, and 8X are all set LO. Then when you get down to 10.5X thru 7X, the 4X Bit Value needs to be reset HI. But if for some reason it can't be reset HI, then for example you'd most likely get 6.5X if you tried for 10.5X.

Some reasons for failure are that 4th L1 is still open so mobo/bios resetting to HI can't be executed...OR...in the process of closing the L1s you did a bad insulating fill and conductive fluid seeped down into the ternch and made a "direct ground" to the reported sub-surface ground plane...and direct grounds can't be reset HI. So we'd clean up that 4th L1 and redo the closing.
http://www.beachlink.com/candjac/index.htm link to Palomino article to learn Multiplier Remapping Algorithms and so you can decode failures.
John C./candjac
I wasn't steady enough to paint using a
pin and no masking.

I scotch-taped L1 and filled the laser pits
with superglue, cut it level with a razor
blad next day, but squeegeeing it level
while wet would be the way to go.

Scotch taped near one edge of each L1 pair
at a time, painted each pair with a silver
circuit pen. XP 1900+
use non-conductive filler for pits/trench

Someone asked about using conductive filler
for laser pits. When I took the photo attached
to the previous message it looked to me like
there were circuits exposed down in the pits
so you would be shorting them if you got
anything conductive down there. I would
think Bondo might have metal in it. Superglue
is a safe bet and masking L1 contacts with
thin scotchtape then squeegeeing superglue
into pits with a razor blade is easy enough.
It ain't broke don't fix it.
I also am fairly new to overclocking, and I have a few (stupid)
questions that I hope you haven't, but know you have heard before.

I have a XP2200+, and I understand how to fill in the bridge and connect the little copper dots. You change the mulitiplier via the bios, right?

Next stupid question; what's the best way to avoid thermal death in this situation, water cooling? Or will a good CPU fan work?

I keep reading about the vcore, what exactly is this, and how do you change it? Last dumb question! (At least until I edit again, I'm sorry guys!) You change the FSB speed right on the motherboard, right?

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issues OC'ing the 2200

Check this out before you paint L1 contacts and
do overclocking on that 2200. I was reading last
night and some AMD's aren't so easy and some
aren't even possible to OC right now. I don't
remember which so read for yourself--
