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The truth about AS-5 settling in

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Is he possibly talking about breaking the seal and upsetting the paste by wiggling? Like...the paste settles, and is spread out, but then you do some wiggling (it would have to be pretty violent) which results in upsetting the uniform depth of the paste? I guess violent wiggling could result in uneveness...

Not to doubt you or anything Silversinksam...but how does one go about gently wiggling a waterblock? Moving it around, or...yeah, I don't get it. :)
I am not going down "that road" just to convince you I am right. I am familiar with commericial and military specifications, and I am currently in a military aircraft upgrade program. I have been there and done that in production for 10 years. I know exactly what I said and I am here to help people with Ocing. I know more things than you do because of the fact that you are retired and I am currently dealing with new high tech stuff that you don't have a clue.

I am not gonna say anymore about it.
Sniper.nkc said:
I am not going down "that road" just to convince you I am right. I am familiar with commericial and military specifications, and I am currently in a military aircraft upgrade program. I have been there and done that in production for 10 years. I know exactly what I said and I am here to help people with Ocing. I know more things than you do because of the fact that you are retired and I am currently dealing with new high tech stuff that you don't have a clue.

I am not gonna say anymore about it.

Do yourself a favor and call this number (Ask for Nevin, Chief mad scientist or Colin, Mad Scirentist in training)

Arctic Silver, Inc.
Voice (559) 740-0912

Your are correct about not wiggling or twisting if we are talking about Arctic Silver Adhesive, but you are INCORRECT about Arctic Silver 5 or any non arctic Silver adhesive products. this discussion isn't about thermal adhesives. Arctic Silver 5 is not an adhesive and has no sealants in it.

I've spoken to them about this, maybe you should as well because you are mistaken, I will reiterate again Arctic Silver Pastes are GREASES and NOT SEALANTS AND THEY DO NOT CURE, THEY THICKEN, so it can be gently twisted in the initial application of the paste :rolleyes:

BTW, You have no idea what I know, so don't be a smart @SS, it only makes you look foolish.

johan851 said:

Not to doubt you or anything Silversinksam...but how does one go about gently wiggling a waterblock? Moving it around, or...yeah, I don't get it. :)

Lightly twisting back and forth about 2 or 3 degrees in either direction in the initial period of installation :cool:
I want to clarify my earlier statement:

I am 100 % correct about sealants or epoxy. These materials do require a cure and you don't want to disturb it. AS do make adhesives. This is straight from AS rep.

I wasn't aware that AS-5 is grease. Grease does not require cure. This is straight from AS rep.

In a sense, I do owe an apology since this thread did mention AS-5. Sorry :rolleyes:
Sniper.nkc said:
I want to clarify my earlier statement:

I am 100 % correct about sealants or epoxy. These materials do require a cure and you don't want to disturb it. AS do make adhesives. This is straight from AS rep.

I wasn't aware that AS-5 is grease. Grease does not require cure. This is straight from AS rep.

In a sense, I do owe an apology since this thread did mention AS-5. Sorry :rolleyes:

The TITLE of this Thread is 'The truth about AS-5 settling in'. I mentioned twice that Arctic Silver 5 is a GREASE, and you told me I dont know have a clue.

I also mentioned Arctic Silver Adhesive is an Adhesive and does cure. I have not said one thing that was incorrect, yet I was belittled by you. This thread is not about Arctic Silver Adhesive or Arctic Alumina Adhesive my friend, they are two different products with different properties and attributes.

So stating you were 100% correct is not appropriate, you were 100% Incorrect.

But its interesting to see you try to explain your way out of it. Well this dumb non high Tech, retired guy knows a bit more about Arctic Silver 5, than you :rolleyes:

A sorry for belittling me would have been nice, but what can you do, some people know it all and even when they are proven wrong. They cant admit it.

Daddy, that man said I have to wait for my AS-5 to settle! I want 30C, and I want it now!
I haven't said anything that was incorrect. I was consistent with the terms and what I said is 100 % correct. Even you admitted in your previous email I am correct if I was addressing adhesives.

What I didn't know was AS-5 is a grease. I assumed it was an adhesive. That you helped me and I stand corrected.

For those of you who want to wiggle your pants (heatsinks), be my guest.
Sniper.nkc said:
I haven't said anything that was incorrect. I was consistent with the terms and what I said is 100 % correct. Even you admitted in your previous email I am correct if I was addressing adhesives.

What I didn't know was AS-5 is a grease. I assumed it was an adhesive. That you helped me and I stand corrected.

For those of you who want to wiggle your pants (heatsinks), be my guest.

You also stated this

Sniper.nkc said:
I know exactly what I said and I am here to help people with Ocing. I know more things than you do because of the fact that you are retired and I am currently dealing with new high tech stuff that you don't have a clue.

This is unbelievable. The Fact is, that this discussion is about Arctic Silver 5, always has and never deviated from said discussion. Because Arctic Silver Inc. sells a product that is an adhesive doesn't make you right at all. Is a Parrot the same as a peacock? They are both birds, but they are different. Is 3M Scotch tape the same as 3M Duct tape? They both are tape, they must be the same using your logic.

I can't Fathom how a Quality Assurance Specialist could possibly misconstrue the difference between a thermal paste and a thermal adhesive and still be convinced he is right or partially right.

You would think in the world of Aviation quality Control being a Quality Control Specialist, the attention to detail would be immense.

How you can be right in this discussion is beyond me, but I pray to God the Planes that you maintain/retrofit/Oversee for the US Armed Forces, remain diuturnal and reliable during the life of the Aircraft(s).
IMOG said:
Haven't seen any reports of people dancing naked under the moon yet, but we probably just haven't heard about it because they are still in jail. :eh?:

Hey.........they never even hauled me in. Just made me dress and go home :mad:
Sniper's right about adhesives...he just got confused about AS-5. Easy enough mistake, and he said he was sorry. That's about the best it's going to get. Silversinksam is dead on about grease, and was right all along. LoL...guys, can we give it a rest and get back on topic? Throwing insults back and forth doesn't get anywhere. If we all followed the AS instructions, i.e. "Don't put it in your mouth," then I'm sure many of our problems would be solved already. :D

Seriously though - I thought I saw on Artic Silver's site that wiggling the heatsink was bad. I checked back for evidence here: http://www.arcticsilver.com/arctic_silver_instructions.htm and found the following:

Once the heatsink is properly mounted, grasp the heatsink and very gently wiggle it slightly clockwise and counterclockwise one time each if possible. (Just one or two degrees or so.)
I wouldn't have thought so, but again, you learn something new each day. Good call SSS.

On a side note, I just realized...the problem of arrest could be avoided by dancing naked in the privacy of your own home. And if you danced very close to your computer (it's only logical) the vibrations from your feet could travel through the floor and shake your computer case...and help the compound settle in!!! I'm a genius...I know. :cool:
Sniper.nkc said:
I haven't said anything that was incorrect. I was consistent with the terms and what I said is 100 % correct. Even you admitted in your previous email I am correct if I was addressing adhesives.

What I didn't know was AS-5 is a grease. I assumed it was an adhesive. That you helped me and I stand corrected.

For those of you who want to wiggle your pants (heatsinks), be my guest.

Hey sniper, i think you got caught with your pants down.


You use AS5. You knew it was a grease.

Here's one dated even earlier.


oooopsies daisies.
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Sniper.nkc said:
I haven't said anything that was incorrect. I was consistent with the terms and what I said is 100 % correct. Even you admitted in your previous email I am correct if I was addressing adhesives.

What I didn't know was AS-5 is a grease. I assumed it was an adhesive. That you helped me and I stand corrected.

For those of you who want to wiggle your pants (heatsinks), be my guest.

mfjonny said:
Hey sniper, i think you got caught with your pants down.


You use AS5. You knew it was a grease.

oooopsies daisies.

:eek: I noticed that but didn't want to feed the flames on this tepid discussion with Sniper.nkc, actually he was confused that Arctic Silver 5 had sealants in the mixture, which it doesn't, the rest was doubletalk.

I do agree with johan851 though, we should get back to our reguarly scheduled program of Arctic Silver 5 discussion