Well, if you are looking for ideas on placement and routing (a VERY good idea, IMHO) here's mine...
From the pump output the water goes straight up to the Bay-Rez...
Then out the back to the BIX2... While building the case it became apparent that I wouldn't be able to go under the power supply to the BIX2's barbs; so I turned it around & had the tubes go out to meet it...
Then, back into the case and it goes right into the into the CPU, followed by the Northbridge, and finally into the 9800...
And finally it comes out of the 9800 & starts all over again.
You can see in the first pic that going from the video card output directally into the pump inlet (my original routing plan) would have been too tight, so I turned the pump around and made a gradual loop into the inlet. I wanted to avoid using any 90 degree elbows if at all possible...
My idea was to use the full pressure of the pump's output to go straight up to the highest point in the system (the Bay-Rez) then sort of let gravity help as each stop was lower than the one before it... Don't know if this
really makes much of a difference in a closed loop system, but I needed some sort of a general routing plan...
You'll probally make adjustments along the way (as I did with the BIX2 and the pump inlet) but it's good to look at other systems before you start cutting up expensive tubing... There was another "Post pics of your rig" thread here w/pics that I studied very carefully before I cut a single piece of hose. (Not sure why this forum is "anti-stickie", but I used that thread to help layout my design...)
Good Luck,