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The wonderful world of HSF

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May 19, 2001

I tell you what. There are a million HSF's and different reviews/methods out there. I have been to many sites and scanned different forums and still can't decide which is the best HSF for me. This is where you will come in. I hope you can help answer the question that has probably been asked for generations of newbies. I did search the cooling forum for HSF and still did not find my answer (so I did try and look :) )

Here is what I need. I am getting a Iwill KK266-R, 1.0 G t-Bird, Enlight 3237 case 256 Mb Crucial Cas 2 Ram

What is a good HSF without the noise of a Delta (I have enough military jets flying over the house than to put one in my room with me). I would like to stay under or around $40 USD. I don't plan on OC for a while but would like the flexibility. I figure the cooler the chip the better even if I am not OC it.

Thanks for everything :)
The problem facing you is the insistance of HSF manufacturers on going with a 60mm form factor fan. The only way to realize the performance of the better heatsinks is to pump plenty of air through them. At 60mm, that means a screamer like the infamous Delta 38cfm. There are at least 6 good HSFs in your price range, and every one needs the Delta 38 to perform. If you're handy with tools, you can fashion an 80mm to 60mm fan adapter out of sheet metal and realize performance equal to the Delta 38 without the accompanying noise. Even better would be taking that one step further and adapting the 92x32mm Sanyo Denki 55cfm fan down to 60mm. That fan is an excellent air mover with a very quiet signature.


So what are the six do you think are good? Which would be the easiest to adapt and fit on the Iwill board?
The new Millenium Glaciator looks to be a real good HSF. It has a tested CW of .18 and costs around $40. I'd definitely check into it if I were in the market. I've decided to delve into the murky depths of watercooling. I'm going for that .13 CW.
AMDguy is right, though the Millenium Glaciator is not real quiet, it does deliver the goods. A big factor in noise is what frequencies it is comprised of. The Deltas have a particular frequency associated with a scream or whine, whereas some fans, though loud are primarily the sound of rushing air. That kind of noise is much more easily tolerated than the "Chinese Water Torture" of the Deltas. Order the Millenium Glaciator. Andy put a lot of Engineering work into designing it to be effective, but not obnoxious.

The Millenium Glaciator sounds good but where do you get it from ? I checked the normal cooling stores and they did not carry it.
Thanks for the info. I went to that site but it is not really up and running yet. Looks like the Millenium is just getting up to speed production-wise. I think I will just go for a decent HSF that does not use a delta, even if it does not cool as much as I would like. If I hate it I can always switch to a new HSF.