The boxed Intel Cooler that comes with the Celeron 1.0 part is a thermally controlled unit. At least all the ones I have ever seen are. Anyway, they run between 3100 and 4100 RPM based on air intake temp to the cooler. You case has to be running kinda hot for that fan to be running at full speed all the time. And to be honest, one of those at 4100 is way quieter than many other HSF combos you will run into.
I dunno what case you have that is letting so much sound escape, I can barely hear mine.
My AX-7 is on the way destined for a XP1600 machine. But I am also gettine the 120 to 80 adapter from Plycon to attach a Delta FFB1212EHE to about loud. But a rheostat will take care of that.