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Tachyon (May 01, 2001 03:39 p.m.):
FrgMstr (May 01, 2001 03:25 p.m.):
We posted OUR review in the beginning of February and at that time http://www.azzo.com was the only retailer to have stock. Of the first 700 units they had for sale, all of them were identical to the review unit we had. I KNOW, we had them check. End of story.
If you will go back and check our review we state on the first page that the units have since changed and we have not tested them in-house. I caught flack about this yesterday and went back and outlined the sentence in BIG BOLD LETTERS so it would be more easily seen.
Is this a "scam", well I simply don't know about that, but I can assure you that our review represented the first two shipments that came into the USA.
Outside that, I cannot state much more except our review was 100% correct when posted and as we are a third party reviewer, I have no control over what a private commercial entity does with their product. We have another HSF roundup coming next month in which we will put the solid core unit in along with the hollow one.
Please don't hold us responsible or question our integrity for things we have absolutely no control over. I did the RIGHT thing at the time that it was in question and we did our research, if you have a problem with that, please feel free to email me.
Kyle - I'm not about to enter a flame war over this here or anywhere else. Here is our e-mail from last night. I have attempted to find the two discussions on a solid ThermoEngine with no luck.
Old news bro. As for lying, you are assuming the person talking to you had knowledge of it...
Kyle Bennett
WebMonger @ HardOCP.com
Purveyor of Smoothness @ Ratpadz.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Warpfactor-e [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 7:11 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Thermosonic ThermoLie
Only that I didn't know that anyone had actually looked inside one and that Thermosonic blatently lied to me on the phone.
We have discussed this twice on the front page. Do you have a point?
Kyle Bennett
WebMonger @ HardOCP.com
Purveyor of Smoothness @ Ratpadz.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Warpfactor-e [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 6:56 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Thermosonic ThermoLie
I was concerned that the retail Thermosonic ThermoEngine is not hollow
like the pre-production models that were provided for review. I have
attached a small write-up and a picture of a cutaway retail Thermoengine
that is....SOLID.
Terry Pierce
Warp Factor-e
pii100 (May 01, 2001 04:13 p.m.):
cuz anyone selling these things better watch out what they say about them i dont know if manufactures are held to same standards as retailers are but there are laws aginst posting false claims to sell a item in the US
Praetorian109 (May 01, 2001 05:10 p.m.):
Doesn't it seems pretty obvious to you guys. A Taiwanese startup finds "success" after massive PR claims and reviews then tries to minimize production costs to maximize profit returns.
I use to work for numerous Taiwanese owned "high tech" companies, they are all the same, maximize profits by cutting corners (and not forgetting cheap labor) but using hardware review sites to get a good public notice and go on a PR blitz. Using "prime" units from good yields and sending it to reviewers while not so good or sometimes just plain bad units goes off to distributors.
IT's all the same! I don't blame companies sending reviewers "prme" units, they are just trying to make a good impression on the public, but dramatically changing the product design to again minimize costs after the foothole is set is just plain WRONG!
Thermosonic is probably just that, a Taiwanese "mom and pop" company (probably running out of a shack somewhere in the Central Taipei) with greedy owners always trying to think up shrew-like tactics to make more money and instead of re-investing the profit, they pocket it. The more they pocket the more they need to cut operating and production costs to make up for it until eventually they go out of business. These things happen ALL the time.
Take note that I'm only speculating (based on my pass experiences). I could be wrong, they could be a really great company that is out there trying to make an honest buck...............but if they didn't have anything to hide, then why won't they respond to our posts and emails? You be the judge.