Nevin (Jul 20, 2001 12:17 p.m.):
All my measurements of hollow core vs. solid core ThermoEngines have resulted in a 20-gram weight difference, plus or minus two grams. In your write up, you state the weight difference is 11 grams.
Did you visually verify that the ThermoEngine you believed had the hollow core did indeed have the cap with writing on it under the attachment clip. If there was no writing on top of the unit and it does not have a cap, then your comparison was actually solid core to solid core and the weight difference was due to other design changes.
Also, many sites reported early on that the hollow core black version performed significantly better than the hollow core silver version. Since 99% of the tests on the web are of the hollow core black version, and your comparison of the new solid core version is to a hollow core silver version is it possible that the true differences between the new and old versions are minimized?
And while measurements by thermocouples touching the side of the core may not exhibit quite as much compression as in-socket thermistor measurements, they are still measurements taken external to the heat source in a secondary heat path and are subject to unavoidable natural compression. For example, if you are trying to measure the internal temperature in a wood-burning stove, it doesn't matter whether you use a thermocouple or a thermistor nor whether you attach it to the bottom or the side of the stove, you will never get an accurate measurement.