Current specs:
AMD 64 3400+>MSI K8T Neo>1Gig OCZ 3500>
Evga 6800 GT>8X DVD burner>
48X CD-RW>WinFast TV Tuner>(2) 36gig Raptors RAID0>
250gig HD>Custom case and PSU>
This is what im thinking.
New mobo- Abit "FATAL1TY AN8", heard its a sweet mobo to over clock, but no sli
new processor- mine is 754 and for pci-e i need 939, so im thinking maybe might go with 64 4000+ or FX-53 (would go twith FX-55 if I can get a good enough price).
monitor-I want to either get that new dell 24" monitor or a apple 23"
video card-thinking of x800xtpe unless i go with SLI, but not sure
ram- think my ram is fast enough for this system?
ok thats seems to be all for now
AMD 64 3400+>MSI K8T Neo>1Gig OCZ 3500>
Evga 6800 GT>8X DVD burner>
48X CD-RW>WinFast TV Tuner>(2) 36gig Raptors RAID0>
250gig HD>Custom case and PSU>
This is what im thinking.
New mobo- Abit "FATAL1TY AN8", heard its a sweet mobo to over clock, but no sli
new processor- mine is 754 and for pci-e i need 939, so im thinking maybe might go with 64 4000+ or FX-53 (would go twith FX-55 if I can get a good enough price).
monitor-I want to either get that new dell 24" monitor or a apple 23"
video card-thinking of x800xtpe unless i go with SLI, but not sure
ram- think my ram is fast enough for this system?
ok thats seems to be all for now