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Today is going to be a good points day i can feal it in my bones =)

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Jul 26, 2004
I think i will break my current best point day today . I can just feal it ( or maybe it is the 2 extra smp clients i have running :) ) But i know it will be over a 7000 point day so :beer: all around .

BTW guys we have been doing good as a team on eoc it will be 17+ years for Maxpc to pass that is alot better than last week when it said 10 years . every one keep up the good work.
||Console|| said:
I think i will break my current best point day today . I can just feal it ( or maybe it is the 2 extra smp clients i have running :) ) But i know it will be over a 7000 point day so :beer: all around .

BTW guys we have been doing good as a team on eoc it will be 17+ years for Maxpc to pass that is alot better than last week when it said 10 years . every one keep up the good work.

Here... Here... no really, pass one of those :beer: over here. :D

WTF T32 & Console! Let's get more SMP going! :thup: We'll chomp away that lead MaxPC has real quick. :)
heh I wonder if Lee noticed I passed him on the top 20 list , if he did I would can see him poping in tomorrow saying he just ordered 4 quad cores =)

...then he spends all weekend trying to come up with a good explanation to justify the purchase to his boss. grinning-smiley-006.gif

j/k lee... :beer:
davekusa said:
whats ppd on smp?

On the 1760 pointer I got, about 2400-2500ppd on a E6600 @ 3466Mhz.

I don't see it listed on psummary any more though. Will have to see the PPD with the other units once I get some. I have a feeling the PPD might be inflated a bit to encourage people to test the SMP beta client though.
No idea how to find the log file in linux . I wouldnt think that It isnt as good ppd as your getting my 2 smp clients are running @ stock 1.8ghz .

The crazy thing with this smp client is 1 person with a farm 5 of overclocked Conores could take the lead in PPD on the team. 1 conroe @ 3.5ish = 20ish p4 2.8hz's ( as far as points go ) .

It would be inderesting to see what a overclocked quad core running this gets for points 5000ppd ? thats just crazy
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Well as soon as the seti race is over I'm switching everything over to linux and going smp all around (including a couple conroes, 2 dually xeon rigs, a couple of 930's, etc) so you better watch out :D

Yeah yeah yeah I know, 3 days, bla bla bla. jerk ;)
harlam357 said:

...then he spends all weekend trying to come up with a good explanation to justify the purchase to his boss. grinning-smiley-006.gif

j/k lee... :beer:

i noticed boys.....i dont have to justify anything to myself :)

nice going console you deserve it!!!, i am having real problems at the mo.....my 2 fastest rigs (mac pro and xeon quad core) are tied up with doing smp testing, the mac pro is giving real grief.......keeps EUE at 70% each time and starting the same core again, i had another 20gig temp file again today.....its a nightmare.

i am tempted to put more dosh into the GPU folding, the client is much more stable!!!

nice going though boys.......:beer: :beer:
