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Triple Monitor setup question

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Jun 25, 2002
Hello, I am running out of space quickly on my desktop.. As you'll hack and slash programmers know, more desktop space is better...

I currently have a ati 9000(agp), and am wondering if i could add a dual head video card (pci) to my system and hook up 3 moniters? does the brand matter in this deal?... 3 monitors you think i am crazy? got kinda excited by:


but for now i probablyt would only do 1 monitor on the ati 9000 and 1 on the other until iget some more money... i was looking at the matrix g450? or whatever it was that had dual head support
first ya should have this thread moved to the NEW display section.

but 3 lcd's is rather sweet if i say so myself.i run 2x 19" flat crt's
would easily shatter that glass desk.

i use both outputs on my 9700 no problem.as long as you keep a game on 1 monitor its not an issue.
i have done it also with a pci ati7000 i have but my 9700 tweaker picks it up before my 9700 so i just use the one.

mine had a converter that fits on the dvi plug for the second crt. also i think might be an issue as i think i read some will not run 2 digital displays at one time.but i think some lcd's are analog anyhow.this is of the top of my head tho.
Yeah, that'll work. How well they'll actually play together is entirely different, unfortunately.

If you're looking to do pure triple DVI, without spending more than $800, you're going to need 2 cards anyways. For the AGP card, look for one that has 2 DVI outs. A rarity, but they're out there.

Without going into absurd prices:

Gainward GF4 4600(some of them do, look first)
Matrox P750/G550

If you just want 3 CRTs, just about any card will do. Go for cards with dual integrated RAMDACs, and not just one for both outputs.(avoid most dual cards before the GF4 age as this affects them) Severe degrations in output quality as well as what you can do with the outputs.
i just want 3 crts.. no dvi involved..

can i use my ati 9000 and just get oen of these:
Gainward GF4 4600(some of them do, look first)
Matrox P750/G550
so i can have triplle output?


well then since your 9000(Pro?) already have two outputs all you need is a PCI with at least one 15 D-Sub(VGA, if you will) out.

The G450 PCI would be a brilliant choice. With that card, if you wanted to, you could have 4 monitors latre on.

And no, all those cards I've listed above were all AGP. The G550 might come in PCI, but I'm not 100% certain. But as you've already an AGP card with dual output, all you would need is a PCI card.

Side note, the P750 is triplehead output. But still affordable, so I listed it.
Therer are cards that support 4 monitors though there not as powerful as the 9000 cards but they do fully support Open GL

3dLabs do a card called the Wild Cat, there are many differant cards with differant connectors and range from 2x D-SUB, 2 DVI-I, DVI & D-SUB, a special connector that allows upto 16 monitors (i think its 16 but could only be 8) and RAM goes upto about 512 or 1024Mb, though these are AGP Pro50 boards