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turtle beach santa cruz soundcard upgrade

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Mar 31, 2002
Kent Island MD.
upgrading sound card,looking at getting either a turtle beach santa cruz card or a soundblaster live .I have a soltek SL-75DRV2 motherboard .i've heard that the sound blaster cards have problems with overclocking and compatibilty,will the santa cruz have the sameproblems?
Santa Cruz

Welcome to the forums!

I haven't heard any complaints about the Santa Cruz. I love mine! Better than a SB live and no problems with Via chipsets.
Re: Santa Cruz

I haven't heard any complaints about the Santa Cruz. I love mine! Better than a SB live and no problems with Via chipsets.
I'll second that, plus driver support is awesome...no problems whatsoever. I had nothing but problems with the SB on a KK266R and on my current board...a 8KHA+; plus the Liveware, Playcenter, driver support is terrible at best.
digital audio

There's a versa-jack that can be configured to be at least 3 different things.... I'm 99.99% sure its got digital audio out... is that what you meant? I don't have the sound system to fully utilize this card yet, only a sub and 2 satellites, so details like that are sketchy to me. Why not look up the card on newegg to get a list of its features(and drool), or search through the forums to find review links(and drool).
yeah its a really good card.
It does not have digital optical out (it has digital coaxial out which is better quality). If you must have an Optical out go for the Audigy or the Hercules Gametheater.
santa cruz

Thanks for the input. Looks and sounds like the santa cruz is the card for me.Good support , doesn"t object to overclocking and great sound ,sounds like (I"ve solved my sound problem; now only if I can stop typing the word sound ) a no brainer to me and at $61 at newegg (a cheap upgrade ).Any objections out their?