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Unplug computer?

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Dec 1, 2001
New Jersey
When I'm not on my computer, I feel the need to unplug it. I guess it's pretty much paranoid, but I have a question about that. Could freak lightning come and destroy a computer? You know, go through the power lines and fry everything? If not, I don't see a need to unplug my computer eveytime I'm not on it. Thanks!

I keep my computer on 24/7 & all I have is a surge suppressor. The only time the computer gets turned off/unplugged is when there is a thunderstorm blowing through our area. A couple of years ago I lost 1 computer when our phone line was hit by lightning.

Unplugging ALL lines ( power / phone / network / etc. ) from the computer is, IMO, the only sure way of protecting it against lighting strikes. If you read the warrenty that comes with surge suppressors, I'd be willing to bet that all of them specifically say that they don't warrenty against lighting strikes.
I unplug mine, cos it hums just loud enough to drive me nuts when trying to sleep.

Must also remember to disconnect modem too. Phone lines are equally a source of electric death.
Call it paranoia, but I have all power running through 3 surge protectors before anything gets to the box. As I am running 5 boxes of off the same two circuits, I built a master outlet panel with about 20 outlets, and using 3 seems like a good idea. Phones are run through them too.
To answer your question, yes, a lightning strike can jump the circuit in a power strip. I know a few people who unplug their computers, some live in areas that are know to have inconsistant power.
well I don't worry about it. If a freak lightning bolt comes out of the sky and strikes my computer then that would just probably figure. :rolleyes:

lol, but I don't walk around on the sidewalk worried about lightning striking me. I am more worried about me overclocking my computer. I think I run a better chance of killing it than lightning does. But I'll tell ya what Garfield, if you feel safer unplugging it, then go right ahead because I am weird about things like that too. But I'm the guy that will drive to the mall, lock his car, get 10 minutes into the mall and go "hey, did I lock my car"? :rolleyes: So knock yourself out if you feel better.
I live in a high Lightning prone area, so I bought a decent sized APC, Ive had close calls and blown a couple Cable modems(rentals :) ) As comcast doesnt want me to plug the cable modem in the APC, they just replace them.

The APC has never failed me yet.
Garfield said:
I think I will stick to my unplugging ways... :D

I'd just get a decent surge protector and call it good. Unplugging is just that much more work you have to go through to use the PC. Especially unplugging the phone lines. They make surge protectors with phone jacks built in to protect the line.
I knew some people that were so paranoid about mother nature taking her toll on their computer that they even put a dust cover over it while it wasn't in use.:rolleyes: Don't they realize the dust comes from fans that are on only when the computer is in use...
house got nailed a couple years ago with lightening. It fried a telephone, a tv, and a computer which wasn't on at the time.

So, yes indeed, lightening can blowup your stuff eheh.

an APC ups is pretty good protection from this type of thing. What is nice is that the more advanced models have a feature (power shoot) that will monitor the power coming in to the UPS and show you the brown outs, spikes and drops on the power. Interesting to see how unclean power direct from the wall really can be.
I use a power surge, and I leave my system on 24/7, so I find it useful where if anything happens, it will be protected. If it was being turned off, I still wouldn't unplug. Paranoia can be taken too seriously..
The lightning that travels through MILES of air will have no problem blowing past the what MILLIMETERS in any switch of surge suppressor & zapping whatever was supposedly being protected. Call me paranoid if you want, but believe me I know from first hand experience. My computer, along with several thousand $ worth of other electrical devices, got fried when the phone line got hit several years ago. Surge suppressors are only suitable for protecting devices against NORMAL spikes. Lightning is not "normal".
nodoze said:
The lightning that travels through MILES of air will have no problem blowing past the what MILLIMETERS in any switch of surge suppressor & zapping whatever was supposedly being protected. Call me paranoid if you want, but believe me I know from first hand experience. My computer, along with several thousand $ worth of other electrical devices, got fried when the phone line got hit several years ago. Surge suppressors are only suitable for protecting devices against NORMAL spikes. Lightning is not "normal".

Usually the surges have insurance on them, so whatever connected to them will go up to like a 150K insurance.

At least mine is 150K.
Yodums said:

Usually the surges have insurance on them, so whatever connected to them will go up to like a 150K insurance.

At least mine is 150K.

Your right about the insurance, but check your warrenty - I'll bet that lighting surges are not covered.
If there is insurance, then I'll do that and keep it plugged in all of the time. That's a pretty good deal. I'll go see if I can't get a power strip with a surge protector. Thanks, fellas!
My old 100Mhz go zaped back in 96
We were on vaction, got back and the comp was busted :p
Thank god it was still on warenty
Was on a surge protecter too,, but the phone line wasnt :p
Yeah, that's another thing: Surge protectors aren't 100% guarantee. But then again, nothing is... :)