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upgrade time 5760 x 1080

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May 8, 2009
houston Tx
Hello. It has been a long time since i have posted here .

It is upgrade time. I am thinking of either upgrading my fm2 6600k to a am3+ fx 8320 as it is in my price range since i will have to buy a motherboard also. for mother board i like the MSI 990FXA-GD80 because its 990 chipset and i can put my sound card above the top video card.
my second upgrade option is add a second 770 gtx BUT my current is a 2gb model. I could sell it on ebay and then buy 2 4gb models.
Third option is sell the 770 and buy a 970 gtx and save money for awhile then add a second.

What i want to do
I currently run B4 at full 5760 x 1080 at high to mid settings at around 45 fps. with lag spikes and stutters. I want these gone and i want to bump up the settings way higher. Farcry 4 runs unplayable unless i run it at 1080p.

I understand that the Cpu is an APU and i am worried that if i buy a video card the APU will bottleneck it badly. It is currently bottlenecking slightly on Far cry 4 at high settings with 2x AA. 100 percent CPU load on all 4 cores all the time.

What would be the best option to get better framerate right now. If i upgrade the cpu/mobo or upgrade cards.


msi gtx 770 oc'd 105 clock and 125 mem amd a8 6600k oc'd to 4.8 gigabyte f2a85x -up4 mobo 8 gig patriot g2 1333 RAM custom watercooled 750 watt OCZ power supply ssd's and the lot. current setup
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At that resolution, you need GPU horsepower. I would get a GTX 970 and FX 6300 or go Intel Z97 and 4670K with GTX 970. 2GB isn't enough at that resolution as you are seeing my the hitching you are experiencing.
the 6300 over the 8320?
switching to intel is out of the question as i dont want to redesign the water loop and buy the new block
I wouldn't buy an Msi AMD board, they are notorious for having issues. For a few dollars more buy a tried and tested Asus 990fx Sabertooth. Additionally, for gaming you're likely not going to see much difference running a Fx 8320 over a Fx 6300. Getting the Fx 6300 is a good suggestion from ED if intel is out of the question. The Fx 6300 will also be easier to keep cool.
The issue with the sabertooth is the pci port is under the first express port so I can't use my soundcard. Otherwise I would buy that. Also I was looking at a gigabyte board as I have a up4 now and I really like it.
You can use a full size PCIe port for a 1x/4x sized card...

EDIT: PCI sound card... got it....

Time to upgrade! :p

EDIT2: Wait, on that MSI, its a 1x PCIe slot above the 16x PCIe slots. So yeah, put it in a 16x slot below it. Why do you insist it needs to be above?
I'm with Mandrake on the MSI board. I haven't seen a lot of people get much success from them. Not sure if they are any better with the 990 chip.
The issue with the sabertooth is the pci port is under the first express port so I can't use my soundcard. Otherwise I would buy that. Also I was looking at a gigabyte board as I have a up4 now and I really like it.
I wouldn't recommend against the Msi AMD boards if I haden't seen so many issues with them and running the Fx 6xxx and 8xxx cpu's on them.

How this board then Asrock 990Fx extreme 6, it has the Pci e above the Pci E 2.0 slots.
Correct sound card is pcie 1x. I was completely unaware I could use it in a full size slot. That changes everything. So that sabertooth with the 6300 to save the money it is for cpu and mobo. Now would that be recommended above getting the 4gb 970? I can only do one upgrade right now. The other will happen in April(unless my bonus is bigger than expected).
Correct sound card is pcie 1x. I was completely unaware I could use it in a full size slot. That changes everything. So that sabertooth with the 6300 to save the money it is for cpu and mobo. Now would that be recommended above getting the 4gb 970? I can only do one upgrade right now. The other will happen in April(unless my bonus is bigger than expected).
I'll let ED answer the video card question as he has more experience with Gpu's.
I don't understand the question, LOL, sorry...

Taking a stab at it... GTX 970 over a 290 for me... performance is about the same, but the power use is less on the 970.
I would personally go CPU first. The 770 should hold up till you can upgrade it. But thats my opinion.

Wasn't paying attention. After reading ED's post looked at your resolution... :shrug:
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Ok 970 it is. Maybe I can sell the 770 to get the mobo and cpu. Thanks guys. Btw the 6600 has definitely served well being over clocked at 4.8 it's while life so far.
Ok 970 it is. Maybe I can sell the 770 to get the mobo and cpu. Thanks guys. Btw the 6600 has definitely served well being over clocked at 4.8 it's while life so far.
You'd be able to get one or the other likely... possibly getting $250 out of it. BUt that is the route I would take, yep!
Would like to say that i got a msi 970 gaming gtx. Love it. maxes everything i play at 1080p and is playable at 1440. at almost max for 5760x1980 most are very playable. far cry still uses 3.8 gig of v ram and only hits 20 fps at ultra but toned down its great. Next step i decided is a i5 4690k and a sabertooth m1. got a corsait c70 vengance case to put it in to retire my old aurora case.