Bump. I just bought one of these USB 2.0 + 1394 combo Cardbus cards (the Link Depot one :
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815107111 ), and it is making my Dell laptop w/XP Home very mad
. It won't recognize my FW Hard Drive (it shows up in the Device Manager under Disk Drives, but it is not functional). If I use USB from the same Hard Drive, it says "Unknown Device" and I still can't access it.
I also tried my new USB 2.0 802.11g WiFi Keychain card, and it completely locks up my Laptop if I plug it into the Cardbus port.
My Laptop is spec'ed to accept Type 2 Cardbus 32 bit cards, too, and the Dell 802.11b WiFi Cardbus card works flawlessly on the same port.
Both the USB Hard Drive and USB 802.11g keycard work fine (but S-L-O-W) on the Laptop's native USB 1.0 ports, and the Firewire connection on the Hard Drive works fine on my 2 Desktop PC's - so it is not my perhiferals causing the problems...
Any suggestions on a USB/1394 Cardbus card that won't lock-up my laptop? All 5 or 6 of the ones at NewEgg appear to be identical with different graphics, and different prices...