Just finishing my Lianli/ Vapo and waiting for a new KR7A with a 2.20 voltage mod. Thought I might just use my 1333 T/B until the XP die shrink next month
It used to do [email protected] v in a kt7a (vapochilled) I was hoping to get at least 1725mhz out of her with the voltage modded kr7a.
I also have a new stick of KINGMAX 333 DDR PC2700.
Mabe I can get a 166fsb with a 10.5 multi??
Any one done it??
It used to do [email protected] v in a kt7a (vapochilled) I was hoping to get at least 1725mhz out of her with the voltage modded kr7a.
I also have a new stick of KINGMAX 333 DDR PC2700.
Mabe I can get a 166fsb with a 10.5 multi??
Any one done it??