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Vcool Software

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Mar 9, 2002
Bay Area, California
Hey All,
I need an advice. I downloaded the Vcool software and it really dropped my temperatures by 10C. Is this software safe to use if so when should I have the NB cool selected to drop the temp. I'm currently using HHC-001 coolermster hSf and Artic silverIII. Idle temp. 37C, ambient 26C and load 42C.

My System:
Gigabyte 7DXR
XP1800+ (1700ghz) 147 FSB vcore 1.82V, 2.7V ram
256 crucial 2100 x2
Radeon 64DDR Vivo.
40Gb Quantum

You might get some heat on using this program however I have used it alot and would be using it now were it not for a compatability issue with this shuttle ak31. If you are getting fairly high temps 45c or so and would like your cpu to last for awhile then the question to you would be why run it hotter than necessary when doing such things as surfing, etc. If you are doing alot of gaming then you may or may not wish to use it. I have heard of no failures as a result of thermal stressing due to using this or any other like program unless possibly if you are pelt cooling. The use of this type of program when doing extreme cooling would allow extremely low temps and potential condensation problems along with possible thermal stress issues.

Short of it is, I like the program and it should do no damage to any component.:)

Just installed it. No difference in temps, but cpu usage dropped a little bit for idling.

34C idle at 26C room temp
It only helps idle temperatures not full load. But heres my question:

Why would you want to cool it when it's idle? Also I've heard its not safe to keep throttling your full load and idle alot of time and kills the CPU Time.

halt on idle

Doesn't really matter. Win2k and XP both do it anyway....
personnally i wouldn't use this program it lower big time the preformance of a pc, when i tried to burn cds with it enabled i would get buffer underruns, so i downloaded hdtach and ran it and i was only getting 16mbs and now with it off its back to 59mbs, that what i call a big difference for a small program.
but this is only the opinion of one person.