As far as I can see you can't remove the vmr - it's soldered on. You could desolder it, but I wouldn't risk it. It is quite possible to do the volt mod with the vmr in place - that's how we all did it
Just lean the board against something so that you can see the points you need to solder to clearly, make sure it's steady so you don't have to hold it. Give yourself good lighting - this really is essential so you can see what you're doing. Make sure you can easily reach the points - just hold the wire about an inch or two up and bend the ends so they touch the mobo - see my article for a few more tips. Good luck, it is possible.
thanx rob ithink i gotta try it. my hands were shaking when i did the raid mod but i did it. i hope i can do this one too coz it'll get mush more uncomfortable. lol
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