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Voodoo 3 3000?

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New Member
Apr 24, 2001
does anyone know how to oc a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP Graphix Card? anyone got a guide or something to show m? Please help, i hate having cr/\p graphix coz i have a dvd player, and the picture pixelates........

please help me....
All you need is to download Voodoo 3 overlcocker utility from
www.3dfiles.com/utility description
Then install program and try! utility it is hided to display properties/v3 overclk. Try first something like 175MHz..185MHz. I currently use this same
program for my voodoo3 3000 and it works fine!
thanx dood, how long did u take to oc it? did u oc it bit @ a time? or staight off?
the tweak works great. I ran mine at 195 but that's very high. I've seen 200+ but only on the most fit of machines.

I'd start around 170, and bump up 1 at a time. play a game or benchmark and make sure you get no crashes........bump up another 1. try again.....till you find the fail point. back off a couple and enjoy.
thanx Shadow, ill keep it @ 180 4 a bit, en bump it up a lil, again thanx
I don't remember how I pumped up my voodoo3.. but now it's running
at 195MHz. I 3Dmark2000 runs fine without
crashes. Score is (sad but true..) 1685!:( I NEED MORE CPU SPEED!
you could also just do a registry hack.......

Click Run, type "regeidt"
Expand "System"
Expand "CurrentControlSet"
Expand "Services"
Expand "Class"
Expand "Display"
now you need to find your Voodoo card, there may be a few 000x's thoses are all the grafix cards you have had installed at one time or another, find the one thats your Voodoo card, you can tell by its driver "InfPath = Voodooo3.inf"

Then you need to expand that folder.

Expand "Default"
Click on "Default"
Right Click on Screen in the area under "vdd"
Select "New" then "String Value"
Type "GrxClock"
for the Value put whatever speed you wisht to clock it at
ie, 190 will do 190mhz
I recommend increasing in 5mhz increments and then when you see errors, -1 untill stable.
I just recently put a p3 fan on my voodoo3 heatsink with some proxy glue and it worked fine. i overclocked it to 200mhz and then i lowered it to 197 since it crashed in unreal during multiplayer at 200mhz.
i got like 3500 winmarks in 3d2000 but i am considering on buying a lead tech g-force ultra 64 meg ddr . I saw on a review that i can get almost the same FPS as a 1.3 gighertz when equiped with this card.
it should raise my marks to almost 5000

my system
amd slot A 900mhz t-bird
100mhz ram
The stock heatsink is fine if you first remove it and slap some thermal grease under it. Then put almost any old fan blowing on it and you are ready to rock.
I used to run my V3-3000 at 214MHZ for months, until I got a V5-5500. Your memory will be your largest bottle neck once you get heat under control. When you start to see little flecks on the screen in 3D games, you will know that your RAM is maxxing out, too many flecks= RAM dammage, so be careful.

lol i had one about a year ago at 230 for about 3 mins of cs beta3 then it started smokin and it actually melted a whole right through it:) they even took it back at the store i bought it ,i told them i didnt know what happened to it.:)
With my Cel463A voodoo3 works well with 195MHz, but with P3 450MHz
it stops working when running 3Dmark2000. Running at 185MHz it works with P3.