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Voodoo 5

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Jul 18, 2001
Moscow, ID
I know you are all going to jump all over this. I know 3DFX went under, or at least sold to Nvidia, but do they support there cards? Should I invest in one?
nevermind, I did some searching of past strings, and it sucks big, hairy, donkey....doesn't it?
i did some looking around and once found new drivers for the voodoo 4 and 5, ver 1.0.4 comes with the card,but i have seen driver set ver up to 1.0.9 these new drivers give support to windows 2000.i think as long as new support is needed someone will take the time to create new driver sets so what if there all beta as long as they work.and ill say it once again i want another voodoo 5 cause when i did own one it was the only card all my games ran fine without all the configuring.
yeah it ain't a G3 but it is a very nice card if you flash the bios adn use the latest drives you get very good perfomance in certain games ie UT and unreal engine games.

XP is another issue but it ain't out yet so I am not worried yet.
If I were you I would buy a Voodoo5 over a Geforce2 Pro. You might all think Im crazy, but all those V5 owners out there know what Im talkin bout :)
jeff_harrison_344 (Jul 19, 2001 11:08 a.m.):
If I were you I would buy a Voodoo5 over a Geforce2 Pro. You might all think Im crazy, but all those V5 owners out there know what Im talkin bout :)

i would most certainly agree.voodoo5 will give you the nessery frame rates with a better quality of graphics,not so cartoonish in colours like the grorce 2.
Voodo 5 Rocks!

oh ya!!! I'm a voodo 5 owner and I know exactly what your talking about. So what if voodo went out of business. it still kicks major butt.